Example sentences of "[am/are] exclude from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With older sufferers , erm , usually families are excluded from treatment , they 're kept out , they 're told that they 're daughter erm must be seen on her own and they feel very helpless and very unloved and unsupported by by the professionals .
2 Many county courts are excluded from bankruptcy jurisdiction .
3 Elite theorists argue that there are gross inequalities of political influence between interest groups ; that many mass-based groups promoting issues or views which threaten established elites are excluded from influence ; and that there are many groups not organized at all , or only episodically able to make their voices heard .
4 Land areas north of 65°N and south of 45°S are excluded from GNP and HDI analyses ( that is , assumed to be uninhabited ) ; temperature date also excludes land over 1,500 metres .
5 He criticised those who ‘ planted them … under the dropping and shade of large trees , where they seldom thrive and if they do , the pleasure of them is lost , because they are excluded from sight . ’
6 The following types of goods are excluded from compensation and insurance cover :
7 If , however , transfer payments are excluded from government expenditure , as they are from the measurement of National Income , then general government expenditure falls dramatically to less than 33% of GDP at market prices .
8 The consequence is , therefore , that far fewer girls than boys are excluded from school .
9 Agricultural produce and game are excluded from liability under the Act unless it has undergone an ‘ industrial process ’ giving it ‘ essential characteristics . ’
10 Certain things are excluded from registration such as a method or principle of construction or features of shape or configuration dictated solely by the function the article has to perform , or which depend upon the appearance of another article of which it is intended to form an integral part .
11 Many lone mothers are excluded from employment by lack of jobs , lack of child care , and negative attitudes towards working mothers , and few lone mothers receive regular maintenance .
12 Part-time workers — two out of three of the female workforce — are excluded from maternity leave altogether .
13 This is because , as the financial review section of the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 states , highly liquid securities , even if listed on a recognised stock exchange , are excluded from cash equivalents since , technically , the maturity of these securities when acquired was greater than three months .
14 For radical feminists , then , schooling represents one of the ways in which girls and women are excluded from power .
15 ( f ) Exclusion of witnesses In family proceedings , which are civil , there is no requirement that witnesses be excluded from court prior to giving evidence .
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