Example sentences of "[be] caught [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 The visitor to an auction may be caught up in the excitement and drama of the event , but the climate of opinion in which it takes place has been created by scholars and critics as well as businessmen .
2 She seemed to have come down to earth , leaving behind the soap-opera image that she had once appeared to be caught up in .
3 When this is augmented by oddly tangential keyboard sounds it 's an enjoyable little maelstrom to be caught up in .
4 It is so easy to be caught up in the whirl .
5 Again , because of the nature of the allegations and counter-allegations , it seems probable that the hearing would be lengthy and bitter , and in view of their ages it seems to me impossible that the children would not know all about the hearing and the issues raised by it and be caught up in that bitterness .
6 There were no secret gatherings , partly because there were hardly any students , and because the peasants and artisans , although very anti-Fascist , had no desire to be caught up in political activities .
7 Finally , by the time that the early group of tutors was appointed , there was a strong concern not to be caught up in the academic drift that , we felt , had tugged Ruskin away from its labour movement roots .
8 ‘ We do n't want to be caught up in the rush when it comes . ’
9 Every step is a chance to meet people , to give them the idea , the experience that can change their living and thinking ; to be caught up in an effort to bring a fundamental change to Rhodesia — and that means , of course , matching one 's own life to it .
10 But final-stage rockets had misfired before , and at a time when people were whispering about a change of prime Minister and the shake-out that would bring , the very last thing Sladen must want was to be caught up in a brawl between Number 10 , the Foreign Office , Defence and the secret services .
11 Everyone seemed to be caught up in the general euphoria except the bride .
12 More and more members of the American foreign service were coming to question the belief , strongly held at the end of the war , that the USSR was more likely to be caught up in rivalry with the British than with the United States .
13 The music blared out around them — Beatles songs from the Sixties — and for a brief space of time Rachel forgot her worries and allowed herself to be caught up in Belinda 's simple pleasures .
14 She seemed to be caught up in a permanent giddying whirl , of trying to run the nightclub , making herself available to the police whenever they needed her , and coping with the demands of a sensation-hungry Press which had swooped on to the drugs-bust story with its famous heroine like a pack of vultures .
15 Mrs Davis seems to be caught up in this in this situation .
16 Do n't want to be caught out in the open when Jerry starts up .
17 It would be dreadful to be caught out in a lie ; dreadful at any time , but worse now , when he was being so friendly .
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