Example sentences of "[be] identified with the " in BNC.

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1 Bob Maiden , the managing director , said the range was a response to ‘ the many requests from staff for something to wear which can be identified with the bank ’ .
2 The holiness of celibacy comes to be identified with the holiness of the sacramental cult .
3 Nevertheless , it was now possible for men to decide their political allegiance for religious reasons ; England could be identified with the Protestant cause .
4 Nevertheless it is doubtful whether the vegetation in which it occurs is sufficiently well-developed that it could be identified with the community described in the NVC .
5 Another major phase in the exploration of the Outer Hebridean flora is shared throughout the British Isles , and can be identified with the work of H. C. Watson .
6 They should be taught to recognise that the attitudes and behaviour of a character or narrator are not necessarily to be identified with the attitudes or beliefs of the author .
7 The acceptance of the first of the three premises , that the god to be worshipped is not to be identified with the power which is assumed to have created the universe , will bring about a change from long established practice and is of great importance .
8 It may be conceded however , that there is , or was , a power or some other kind of influence beyond man 's comprehension , which was responsible for the start of life , but that influence must be identified with the timeless universe itself .
9 He came to be identified with the Greek PAN and was depicted with horns and the legs of a goat or wolf .
10 We are grateful for some help received to date from QP and if other friends wish to be identified with the work in a practical manner , this would be much appreciated .
11 The Kingdom can not be identified with the Church :
12 Two or three specific problem areas can be identified with the parents that they would like to work on first .
13 During this period , acts of aggression and domination came to be identified symbolically with the agents of disease and death , while a state of internal tranquillity , equality and individual autonomy came to be identified with the agents of health and growth .
14 So keen are GKR not to be identified with the less ethical and aggressive end of the search market that it maintains it frequently turns down business ; from any other search firm , this statement might be questionable , but GKR 's standing in the market , and the obvious importance of its untarnished reputation in gaining that position , suggests that it is probably the truth .
15 Furthermore , the region between the inner and outer Lindblad resonances is observed to be fairly clear of gas , and the accumulation of shocked gas outside the OLR can be identified with the well known ‘ molecular-ring ’ in the galactic disk .
16 Tizard , for example , mentions the need to support the natural parents to enable them to care adequately ; Kellmer Pringle has advocated payment for mothers who stay at home to care ; and a further interviewee who may be identified with the ‘ society-as-parent ’ view had this to say in answer to the argument that the 1975 Act put already powerless parents in an even more powerless position :
17 Now it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that during the intervening twenty-five years the lord had bought out most of the freeholds , which , with few exceptions , must have been very small , and might just be identified with the sixteen ‘ Farme Landes ’ .
18 It comes as no surprise , for example , to discover that the argument about poststructuralism neglecting history was initiated by those whose own intellectual formation can be identified with the existential Marxist humanism of the New Left of the 1950s and early 1960s .
19 Robert Ratcliffe , who was given office in Sheen ( Surrey ) by the queen , can be identified with the Woodville interest .
20 For example , unc can be identified with the subset of Z x Z comprising all ordered pairs ( a , b ) for which
21 Similarly = can be identified with the subset{ ( a , a ) : a ε Z ] of Z x Z and unc ( mod 5 ) with the subset of all those ( a , b ) for which unc ( mod 5 ) .
22 Dependent conditionals , secondly , are not to be identified with the " material conditionals " of truth-functional logic , which rarely if ever turn up in ordinary language .
23 Even in the cases where what we want are things which exist in the ordinary way , these things are not to be identified with the mentioned objects .
24 This social welfare might plausibly , in turn , be identified with the sum of consumer , producer and factor returns .
25 Topic-shifts in written discourse then could be identified with the beginning of each new paragraph .
26 It suggests that of the subjects that usually comprise the humanities , philosophy need not necessarily be identified with the humanities at all , literature and the other arts are defined by their concern with art-objects and history arguably belongs to a broader conception of ‘ human sciences ’ .
27 In these notes , an edge will often be identified with the operator labelling it .
28 Oswiu seems to have taken them by surprise and brought them to bay on the banks of the River Winwaed , now swollen by autumnal rains , and probably to be identified with the River Went , a tributary of the Don .
29 He is probably to be identified with the ‘ patrician ’ ( the term signifies an individual of very high standing indeed ) called Moll to whom King Eadberht and Archbishop Ecgberht gave the monasteries of Stonegrave and Coxwold in Yorkshire , seized by them from Moll 's brother , Abbot Forthred , for which action Pope Paul I reproved them .
30 In a subsequent letter to Aethelred , the ‘ patrician ’ Osbald ( possibly to be identified with the dux ( ealdorman ) Osbald of 780 ) , and another Northumbrian lord , Osberht , Alcuin warned against worldly ambition , the pursuit of pleasure , and lust for revenge .
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