Example sentences of "[be] placed at the " in BNC.

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1 If we were to construct a ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , starting with the most serious and moving down to the least serious , the offence of attempted murder should be placed at the top .
2 For this reason , if shelter sheds are placed in a paddock , they may have to be placed at the top of the hill and preferably near the gate .
3 Miss Tylee 's courtesy was unfailing — she was a neatly dressed lady who wore a velvet neckband and her ‘ pince-nez ’ or pinchers as we called them were attached to a thin gold necklet , ready to be placed at the end of her nose when she was searching for something required by her customers .
4 To make a room look wider , long horizontal bands of mirror can be placed at the top and bottom of walls , or vertical floor to ceiling panels can be added to walls at right angles to a window .
5 Giant Vallis should be placed at the back corners , and will spread across the surface of the water as it grows , providing added shade and security for the inhabitants .
6 This needs to be placed at the angle which gives the best support for the material being used in relation to the pupil 's vision , and some initial experimenting with different angles of work may be needed in order to settle on this .
7 However , note that Squigs will attack any model that is n't a prodder-armed Night Goblin … so any character with the unit will have to be placed at the back to be safe !
8 Some were cheered , however , by the news that thanks to lobbying by a group concerned with problems of underdevelopment , ‘ Schema 17 ’ , which treated of the Church and poverty , would be placed at the beginning of session three , to be introduced as soon as the debate on the Church had been completed .
9 Indeed , in the range of kinds of organisations recognisably co-operative , it must be placed at the extreme .
10 This was in marked contrast to the situation in some other European countries where more formally theoretical disciplines came to be placed at the curricular core of the nation .
11 In actual fact , throughout the entire history of Athletico Whaddon , much of the blame for our failure can be placed at the feet of one man , Ken Mentle .
12 One consequence of this discontinuity is a difficulty in identifying the prestige forms which are to be placed at the ‘ standard ’ end of the continuum .
13 In the hierarchy of Community legal texts to which I have alluded , the founding treaties may thus be placed at the highest level , in a position comparable to that of a written national constitution .
14 The ecological approach demands that the physical needs of human beings ( food , shelter , fuel , reproduction ) be placed at the centre of the archaeological quest .
15 On Aug. 18 , however , the UK government did an about-turn when it announced that 1,800 soldiers would be placed at the disposal of the UN in order to ensure the protection of humanitarian convoys in Bosnia-Hercegovina .
16 Otherwise , the cursor will be placed at the first field which does not satisfy either of the above two conditions .
17 In patients undergoing coronary artery revascularisation , epicardial implantable cardioverter defibrillator ( ICD ) patch electrodes and rate sensing leads can be placed at the time of surgery .
18 Label boxes with details of their contents and the room in which they are to be placed at the new address .
19 It was dynastically imperative that the Prussian heir should be placed at the head of an army , too .
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