Example sentences of "[be] placed in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each part of the body must be placed in a true relationship to the others and to the whole as the dance flows onwards .
2 In practical terms this means The Fix can be placed in a horizontal crack with a large proportion of the stem sticking out and fallen on in the knowledge that the device has been specifically designed to give an increased safety margin .
3 These should be placed in a paper envelope ( not polythene ) and labelled with the grower 's name , address and field identification .
4 Sedums and other succulents need not be planted , but should be placed in a box wrapped in dry moss , with hay or straw placed between layers and small holes pierced in the box .
5 It would appear that all teachers will be placed in a similar position to that of teachers preparing pupils for external examinations , in that they will have set objectives , or learning outcomes , to be achieved , but will be free to plan their lessons as they think fit — especially where the core subjects are concerned .
6 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
7 Governors are increasingly provided with data on pupil performance , these results need to be placed in a context which reflects the socio-economic background of the pupils and other factors which effect pupil performance .
8 The best policy is to try not to be placed in a position where you risk serious criticism on account of your behaviour .
9 Fitzroy acquiesced and said that they would be placed in a Reading Room on the following day .
10 Each image that is formed in response to a beautiful thought must be placed in a schema which is one of the individual gardens of the mind .
11 It has always been regarded as desirable that the police should be seen as taking no particular stance regarding political activity and that they should not be placed in a position where decisions of a party political nature are concerned .
12 Since the unit will be placed in a conspicuous position , the flashing light could be an annoying and dangerous distraction to the driver whilst the vehicle is in motion .
13 If your tank contains a ‘ chaser ’ , new fish may need to be placed in a breeding trap for a few days until the aggressor gets used to it — or a tank divider is an even better idea .
14 His parents , furthermore , had requested that he and his eleven-year-old brother should be placed in a Quaker boarding school .
15 If the parent finds difficulty in not reacting to the child while in ‘ time out ’ on the chair , it may be better for the child to be placed in a safe separate room for the equivalent time .
16 While I question the possibility of ranking Buid society as more or less ‘ peaceful ’ according to some culture-free , quantitative standard , I think it can be placed in a category of relatively ‘ peaceful ’ societies because of the complete absence of any social situation in which aggressive conduct is assigned a positive value .
17 ‘ For the sake of the common good , aggressors might have to be placed in a position where they can not cause further harm .
18 It would be improbable that men totally unqualified for their rank would be placed in a fleet commanded by the patron whose own career might be damaged by inefficiency , but given the situation in the fleet , of far more qualified applicants than available places , the choice was likely to fall upon a friend of a friend .
19 The psychologist suggested that the parents themselves really wanted George to be placed in a residential school but did not wish to appear that they were rejecting him .
20 The division of Glamorgan allowed each of the former county boroughs to be placed in a separate county though in terms of total area or population a unified Glamorgan would not be unusual in an English context .
21 If boiling , the potatoes should be placed in a pan , just covered with lightly salted cold water and boiled gently until tender .
22 This symmetry can be disturbed if one side of the rug is disproportionately near a wall or piece of furniture , and they should ideally be placed in a central position .
23 Apart from the moral preference that like should be treated alike , dischargers ' commercial instincts argue that no manufacturer or producer should be placed in a more favourable position than his competitors .
24 Westergaard and Resler reject the view that the so-called separation of ownership and control in the joint stock company results in the rise of salaried managers who should properly be placed in a middle class .
25 The panel accepted the social work argument that if there was a high degree of Social Work input to the family home , and that if Jim could be placed in a new school for his remaining few months of statutory attendance , then this might be the most suitable response .
26 In such circumstances the pool should be placed in a more amenable situation and , by the careful dispersal of excavated soil made to appear that it is in fact lower than it really is .
27 They can then be placed in a bowl or aquarium with the water just over the surface of the compost .
28 Any complex subjects which are not present in the scheme must be placed in a more general category where they can not be distinguished from other subjects .
29 Hence the situation we confront is one in which there are somewhat uncertain ( in the sense of being not precisely calculable ) physical limits to growth , which may be placed in a more or less distant ( but not indefinite ) future , and social limits to growth already manifest in a deteriorating ‘ quality of life ’ and its attendant frustrations , which attract increasing attention from social scientists .
30 How could Yorkshire be placed in a different regional banding structure from the one that applies in my constituency ?
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