Example sentences of "[be] established within [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is this all important human love between parent and child , particularly the mother , that could well be the origin of the power which has made it possible for there to be established within the human mind this thing we call a ‘ conscience ’ .
2 Time will tell but at the moment we are quite hopeful that this lovely sword will now be established within the European hobby and grace fishkeepers ' tanks for years to come .
3 The Agency is to be established within the Department of Social Security and will take responsibility for all aspects of child support , leaving spouse support , property settlements and issues of custody and access within the jurisdiction of the courts .
4 It would be established within the structure of the CGLI but would have a special relationship with TEC , BEC and other examining and validating bodies .
5 We shall allow single-tier local authorities to be established within the boundaries considered necessary by that commission .
6 Charles Haughey , the Prime Minister , announced on Nov. 24 , 1989 , that a special National Debt Office was to be established within the Ministry of Finance to oversee and manage the country 's national debt , which stood at I£25,000 million .
7 Those who argue for participatory democracy believe active citizenship can not be established within the limitations set by the existing liberal-democratic framework .
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