Example sentences of "[be] considered the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 or , John ( fl. 1480–1500 ) , church composer and musician , Of his biography virtually nothing is known , and of his works few survive ; and yet , in the quality of his accomplishment he may be considered the greatest English composer of the period between John Dunstable ( d .
2 Furthermore , modernism created a considerable degree of misery and frustration by insisting that only one particular dominant style had the right to be considered the appropriate form for the expression of socialism .
3 It was critical , however , that existing organizational units , i.e. corporate divisions , should not automatically be considered the appropriate SBU units .
4 These engagements and meal times should be considered the fixed points in each day .
5 Secondly , Coleman may have been one of the numerous band of teachers , at present out of fashion , who put their main energies into what after all may be considered the prime function of a teaching institution — teaching .
6 There are seven grades to be allotted , from A to G. Grades A , B , and C are aligned to the old O level grades A , B , and C , and to CSE grade I. Grades D and E are aligned to O level grades D and E and to CSE 2 and 3 ; while grade F is aligned to CSE grade 4 , which used to be considered the average grade in the population as a whole .
7 Although Philip Miller received seeds and specimens through various channels from America , Peter Collinson can be considered the chief link between Chelsea and the New World .
8 The music of two short pastorales which have some claim to be considered the earliest true operas in French has been lost .
9 The bulk of the textile manufacturers in northern France at the same period were similarly children of what could already be considered the middle strata ; the bulk of the mid-nineteenth-century Nottingham hosiery manufacturers had similar origins , two-thirds of them actually coming from the hosiery trade .
10 This was a major achievement , and can be considered the outstanding success of Edward IV 's regional policy .
11 This was a major achievement , and can be considered the outstanding success of Edward IV 's regional policy .
12 A prime minister might generally be considered the best candidate , but not if he has been dubbed ‘ the butcher of Beijing ’ .
13 It has a claim to be considered the first court school of the Middle Ages .
14 Of the additional safeguards now to be considered the primary one , both to investors and creditors , is the publicity which , to a greater or lesser extent , attends the functioning of the company .
15 Evidence of the power of Rockwell 's legacy is a gift to the museum from producer/director Steven Spielberg ( who might be considered the Norman Rockwell of cinema ) in conjunction with Time Warner Inc .
16 THE HUMAN FIGURE may be considered the ideal subject for the imaginative artist .
17 THE HUMAN FIGURE may be considered the ideal subject for the imaginative artist .
18 Both indigenous and immigrant working classes have at various times staked claims to be considered the true backbone of ‘ the nation ’ ( as against a decadent aristocracy or unpatriotic bourgeoisie for example ) through various institutions of public propriety ( churches , labour organizations , community associations ) which at the same time defend the integrity of their own traditions against negative influences in the wider society .
19 Adverse meteorological conditions should not be considered the fundamental cause of smogs since high concentrations of pollution would not arise unless the general level or baseline of pollution in the urban atmosphere was relatively high anyway : there is a limit to the peak pollution value that the atmosphere can produce .
20 However , together , these pavements are too few and too poorly recorded to be considered the diagnostic mosaics of this group .
21 What 's the Matter Plasma Plasma 's properties are sufficiently different from those of gases , liquids and solids for it to be considered the fourth state of matter .
22 There remain to be considered the three species for which there is an apparent excess of isolated teeth .
23 Parties and celebrations would not be considered the same without it .
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