Example sentences of "[be] expected [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 job mobility : will the employee be expected to move to another town if the employer wants him to work elsewhere ?
2 This can be reduced by diversifying , in particular to achieve a mix of assets whose values would not all be expected to move in the same direction at once .
3 The Economist that bastion of left wing thinking commissioned an actuary to estimate the likely number of vacancies during a parliament ten point seven three sorry to be precise about this colleagues Tory MPs can be expected to die over a full five year term , I 'm sorry for being morbid .
4 Out of a population of 8000 ‘ normal ’ men , 17.2 would be expected to die of such cancers .
5 The UK Atomic Energy Authority , in a " worst-case scenario " , suggested that some 10,000 Soviet citizens could be expected to die of radiation-induced cancer as a result of the accident , with a further 30,000 fatalities possible worldwide .
6 In a " worst-case scenario " , the UK Atomic Energy Authority has suggested that up to 10,000 Soviet citizens could be expected to die of radiation-induced cancer as a result of the accident , with a further 30,000 fatalities possible worldwide .
7 For every 1000 patients admitted to hospital with acute evolving myocardial infarction , about 100 can be expected to die within 35 days .
8 New applicants for a listing will be expected to report on how they comply with the code as part of their listing particulars .
9 If questioned about the response , the attitude-holder can be expected to engage in explicit justification of their stance and to offer criticism of the counter-stance .
10 The greater this interaction between chains the more favourable will be the energy parameter and this provides some indication of the type of chain which might be expected to crystallize from the melt , viz.
11 The employee 's claim was , however , effectively refused in the British Steel case because such benefits as might be expected to flow to the employer from refinements to the patented product had not ( yet ) materialised .
12 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
13 If in that situation some consumers might reasonably be expected to rely on the misleading information , the trader commits an offence unless he has taken all reasonable steps to prevent them from doing so .
14 Furthermore , there is not a strong tradition of non-formal education within the labour movement in the USA which might ideally be expected to serve as a training ground for working with Highlander .
15 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
16 The minimum period which a prisoner can be expected to serve in order to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence has become known as the tariff period .
17 People who are mentally handicapped can not be expected to cope with many aspects of this AL independently .
18 Taking for example the nuclear power plant control room , the question is whether the desk operators should be expected to cope with all emergencies which appear within the total information presentation or whether , for complex and dangerous situations , a more senior person such as the shift-charge engineer should be called upon to make the decisions .
19 It follows that a particular score from an intelligence appraisal can be a useful cut-off point in that those who do not attain the cut-off should not be expected to cope with the demands of the particular task .
20 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
21 Lady Merchiston 's situation , Theda recognised , was symptomatic of the whole , and she could appreciate that the Diggorys could scarcely be expected to cope with a task that would baffle an army of servants .
22 On the contrary , to emphasise the personal and private nature of moral or immoral conduct is to emphasise the personal and private responsibility of the individual for his own actions , and this is a responsibility which a mature agent can properly be expected to carry for himself without the threat of punishment from the law .
23 The needs-led approach alters the nature of the practitioner 's accountability to the employing agency and to the user under new arrangements , practitioners will be expected to sustain with integrity a measure of independence from both parties , while safeguarding the interests of both ( DoH , 1991c , p. 111 ) .
24 And Bentham made explicit claims as to the benefits which could be expected to accrue to those who employed the principles on which his " inspection-houses " were founded .
25 As a few of these modules may have started in a previous session , or may be expected to finish in a future session , some will count in statistics for more than one session .
26 The history department would be expected to participate in this process and then match up their own practice to that agreed .
27 The latter strip will contain words which the pupils will be expected to substitute for him and large , eg me , them , English , small .
28 Only after receiving assurances that the Emperor would neither be embarrassed nor be expected to apologize for atrocities committed by Japanese forces did Miyazawa consent to the visit .
29 This should not only be expected to happen as a natural consequence of ‘ the Church 's active , sympathetic presence within the world of communications ’ ( ibid. ) , but also as the result of a precise commitment on the part of communicators .
30 Those in working-class jobs and those with no jobs at all might be expected to opt for a party that offers some degree of social change and appears more empathic toward the " have-nots " than toward the " haves . "
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