Example sentences of "[be] told that the " in BNC.

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1 The most important figure in the latter group is Bunting himself , so little read these days that many readers will need to be told that the title of Davie 's history refers to his masterpiece Briggflatts ( 1966 ) .
2 We shall be told that the time has been equally shared between the three parties , but there are many ways of belling the cat , and the timing of the viewpoints and the batting order can achieve the results they intend .
3 They do not need advice on how to gain similar wealth abroad , or to be told that the prospect of working on charities ' accounts for lower fees is not so abhorrent .
4 The image of a body simply can not do justice , we are saying , to the reality of — and our complex emotional reaction to — overpowering physical realities like the sea or the night-sky ( however much we may be told that the stars are a twinkle in God 's eye ! ) .
5 Usually they were successful , occasionally they were driven off ; but the bees could be told that the Maclean dead were amply revenged .
6 I complained mightily , only to be told that the stone table was a well-intentioned afterthought , erected in recent times , and that it had been removed to restore the henge to its original form .
7 When we got to court , we waited six hours in the corridor , to be told that the papers were not in order .
8 However , since so few children attended some of these types of school , d is often calculated from proportions at the extremes of the scale ; if we rank the class exclusivity of schools on the basis of the magnitude of the d s , we seem to be told that the secondary moderns were the most selective , followed by the grammar schools .
9 In the words of others he springs into action as a political firebrand , marching into the coal-owners ' offices and demanding justice for their exploited work-force , only to be told that the coal seams were too meagre and the profit margin too small to provide improvements in safety standards .
10 He rang the bell , and was asked in by the maid — only to be told that the family were at dinner .
11 It is obvious that we should have talks but I am not willing to be told that the talks can only take place at one location and I am not willing to accept an invitation to a slanging match .
12 Shortly afterwards at another meeting , Mr. Fairbank said , in response to a letter from the Ministry of Health suggesting that the vaccination officer should be paid a fixed salary , that ‘ the time had come when Whitehall had to be told that the local authorities were going to stop being ciphers , and would exercise their own judgement .
13 The sturdily independent high tech sector had naught for the comfort of either major party in the run-up to today 's by-election in Newbury , Berkshire when the big guns from party headquarters showed up for photocalls during the build-up : Labour chose Vodafone Group Plc and tried to commiserate about the recession , only to be told that business had been going gangbusters for several months , the Tories went looking for green shoots at Micro Focus Plc , only to be told that the UK market was flat on its back , and that it was only foreign sales that were keeping the old Coboller busy .
14 You will not be told how much he earns ; but you will be told that the reports of £1 million a year are exaggerated and distorted ( half that is nearer the mark ) ; you will be told , too , that in his fourth year at the Bar he was earning less than a Manchester bus driver — without overtime .
15 And they are threatening , because it is offensive and undermining to be told that the life one has led has merely been one of servility , that it has not been of truly ‘ human ’ value , that one has been a ‘ fembot ’ or a ‘ puppet ’ .
16 Captain Budd got through to the police station by telephone , only to be told that the constabulary had the situation well in hand .
17 We do not need to be told that the factory girls were probably doing their best to make sure that it was impossible for her to pass without brushing against them , and that this would be construed as an insult .
18 There is nothing more annoying to a journalist who is working on a story than to be told that the PRO will ring back with the relevant numbers and then not to get them for another two or three days .
19 In a typical case in which a husband , seeking a bank advance for his business purposes , is told by his bank manager that security in the form of a charge over the jointly owned matrimonial home must be provided , it would astonish both the husband and the bank manager to be told that the husband had been appointed by the bank as its agent to obtain the wife 's consent to the proposed charge .
20 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
21 Moved enough , anyway , to abandon their days work and come here to be told that the trumpet would sound , and poor old Eddy be raised incorruptible ?
22 I want to be told that the house-martins are nesting or you might see a badger if you 're lucky .
23 If they went to the common law courts , they would be told that the legal estate in the land was vested in the grantee , and that he was entitled to the benefit himself .
24 Upon landing , he filed an airmiss report only to be told that the glider had landed successfully with part of its wingtip missing near Axel .
25 At 18.20 , I again checked with the information office , to be told that the train was due soon .
26 The committee will be told that the artist would be involved in moving and resiting the work which is being stored in Darlington .
27 Parents looking for advice on what to do to help with their child 's education will be told that the most important thing is to spend quality time talking to their children , ’ the West End headteacher said .
28 Chris [ Stocks ] was a little surprised to say the least when he arrived home from his holiday to be told that The sun newspaper had been trying to contact him , asking him to go to London to play a practical joke on the king of practical jokers Chris Evans .
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