Example sentences of "[be] based [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — Stephen Brearley 's editorial agreeing with the Medical Manpower Standing Advisory Committee 's recommendations to increase annual intake of medical students by almost 500 a year and to increase total numbers of NHS doctors by 1000 a year ( 1% ) to 112000 by 2010 seem to be based on no reliable evidence .
2 Payment would be based on a pooled system : if everyone wanted the same coverage costs would be shared .
3 Mrs Thatcher has emphasised that to avoid the troubles which have afflicted other African countries , a majority-ruled South Africa must be based on a sound economy .
4 The latter camp took heart yesterday from Mr Rocard 's insistence that any decision must be based on a consensus , but realise that they have a tough fight ahead persuading others of the logic of their arguments .
5 The study of any building shown on coins , however , must be based on a full collection of the available coins .
6 17.24 If proposals for assessment are to have coherence , they must be based on a theory of difficulty .
7 They should be based on a realistic assessment of expenditure requirements , for the period to which they apply , neither too high nor too low .
8 The general or ‘ philosophical ’ curriculum that I advocate would be based on a single principle : that the less narrowly a child 's critical faculties are confined within the bounds of a single set of concepts or procedures , the more easily he will be able to adapt to life after school , whether at work or in higher education , and the more free his imagination will become ; these two targets in fact being one and the same .
9 Moreover the national system should be based on a combination of SATs and moderated teacher ratings .
10 There are two basic criteria : firstly an invention must be based on a wholly new idea or involve an ‘ inventive step ’ ; secondly an invention must be capable of industrial ( including agricultural , etc. ) application .
11 Instead of local taxation being based on property values , it is to be based on a flat rate per capita charge levied on all adults , with limited rebates for some groups .
12 Rumours got around that a collector in Paris had one in a bank vault in the 1940s ; but this story was recently investigated , and was found to be based on a misunderstanding .
13 This might be based on a psychiatric clinic or a voluntary agency such as the Samaritans .
14 A guide to the use of the literature in any given subject should be based on a logical concept and thereby facilitate understanding by providing the opportunity to relate new information to previous knowledge .
15 The goals and objectives for a successful programme of library user education must be based on a synthesis of the needs of students , academic staff and library staff .
16 The device is called the Microdrive , but it has yet to go on sale , and in any case will be based on a tape rather than a disc .
17 Specifically , present defence thinking may be based on a too-narrow paradigm of deterrence theory , and a set of assumptions about the world that are at best highly questionable , at worst lunatic .
18 However , the Ministry of Defence ( MoD ) has told New Scientist that these figures are likely to be underestimates , and so the survey should be based on a population size that is ‘ nearer 12 000 ’ .
19 The message is : — The giving of help to ‘ backward ’ peoples must be based on a genuine desire to share the quality of life enjoyed by the givers , and not on an intention to indoctrinate with some orthodox religion .
20 Where the concept of the Created God is accepted , it is not difficult to differentiate between a healthy conscience and a guilt complex , for the criterion will then be known to be based on a single undisputed source of ethical knowledge .
21 However , the understanding of significance within the individual believer must be based on a scriptural footing , rather than the visible indicators .
22 Recognising that consent must be based on a true appreciation of contents , this proposal reveals a strange inability to grasp the extent to which a work of art can rarely if ever be described or paraphrased with perfect accuracy .
23 This is not an argument against abortion , but the legitimacy of this procedure needs to be based on a concept other than that a woman may choose how she wishes to use her body .
24 All the candidates agreed that the issue was an extremely complex one and that ultimately , within limits , policy had to be based on a woman 's right to choose .
25 However , the evolution of complex living creatures ( not just humans ) would be based on a high information content greater than could be found , say , in the bacteria of the atmosphere of the Jovian planets .
26 It 's going to be based on a three-channel system , each channel having a completely different voicing , so hopefully there 'll be a sound there to suit everyone .
27 This implies a local tradition already current in the twelfth century and might be based on a lost source .
28 this solid background of personal local knowledge , and the way in which their main volume of repeat business is topped up by firm personal recommendations , means that their lending decisions can generally be based on a truly accurate perception of the customer 's ability and will to repay .
29 Mr Burrow said society was becoming more demanding in its expectation of the police , and the entire attitude of individuals could be based on a single experience of meeting an officer .
30 Alternatively , assistance can be based on a sliding scale , with greater financial help given to key employees and the more junior workers given only some elements of the package .
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