Example sentences of "[be] found [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 584 , however , he was to be found with Mummolus in Avignon , where they were joined by Desiderius , dux of the recently murdered Chilperic .
2 Ocenebra erinacea or Urosalpinx cinerea ( Fig. 35 ) may be found with N. lapillus on some shores .
3 However , there are several Mira variables which can be found with binoculars when near maximum , and can even show some colour ; I have given notes about them in the pages which follow , but it is rather pointless to go into detail , because long-period variables are the province of the telescopic observer , and estimates made with binoculars are inevitably rough .
4 The range is from 5.0 to 7.6 , so that the star is never too dim to be found with binoculars ; there is a very rough period of around 130 days .
5 Many grounds also employ Alsatian dogs around the perimeter of the pitch , and police spotters are often to be found with binoculars and two-way radios in the TV camera gantries below the roofs of the main stands .
6 There is an argument of increasing popularity with government and some of the advisers to government , that since comprehensive schools are widely seen to do worse for their pupils than selective schools in terms of examination results , and since so many people , if they can afford it , are removing their children from the maintained comprehensive sector to independent schools ( which are broadly speaking selective ) a way must be found for government to supply non-comprehensive schools , in the interests of the country as a whole .
7 Though the state hopes to convert much of the sludge into commercial fertiliser , a back-up dumping site must be found for work to begin .
8 The justices further stated that they wished to ensure that the case did not drift and that a secure , stable and permanent carer should be found for L. , whether that carer be her mother or another family .
9 It became apparent that no rescuers would be found for La Cinq , which by this stage had losses of nearly F
10 Once the change has been made , then many advantages , of course , would be found for hydrogen economy .
11 One example of this is the discounts offered to tenants purchasing local authority houses : these were altered in 1984 when sales showed signs of flagging and they were increased on flats in 1986 because few buyers could be found for flats .
12 When they get together and they need money , the old school tie , the old party tie comes into play and money can be found for things that they think are profitable for them and their consultancies , and their companies , and their interests .
13 Sponsors can not be found for leagues just ask the Northern League never mind clubs , and with local businesses cutting back on handouts , then the committees of local football clubs have to raise funds from within .
14 The same type of abbreviations will be found for postcards .
15 With debts rising above £6.5m and spending money to be found for Kevin Keegan 's summer team-building mission , fans are being expected to pay part of the price of the club 's mismanagement .
16 If a buyer ca n't be found for Viz , Chris hopes to employ extra staff so he can simply take more time off .
17 A special place of honour would be found for books having some close connection with an important event in history and perhaps even helped to shape it .
18 Having established the torque correction factors for the common excitation schemes of a three.phase motor and illustrated the method by which the factor may be found for motors with larger numbers of phases , we can now consider how the pull-out torque produced by the d.c. and fundamental current components varies with stepping rate .
19 A counter-balance for Satan can not be found for Milton has gone too far in his wonderful description and characterisation so that even his portrayal of God can not even hope to rise to the same level .
20 He might not be found for days , ( BUC L24 1080 6 )
21 This was an influential study which broadly supported the view that permanent substitute parents should be found for children in long-term care .
22 How can the money be found for Mr Heseltine 's interventionist policies at such a moment ?
23 Therefore , there are part areas of towns not covered , and where a particular use is not considered appropriate in these areas other valid reasons must be found for refusal perhaps on the lines suggested below :
24 She was fully determined that the Merchiston fortune must end with Benedict — that much she owed to Isabel 's memory — but at least some provision might be found for Theda .
25 No policy orthodoxy had to be imposed and no places had to be found for clients of the former leader who wished to be junior ministers .
26 If he could weight Newley 's body and roll it into the pond , the ice would seal it off for days ; it might not be found for months , if no one dragged the pond .
27 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
28 No claim is made for the universal usefulness of this definition ; others would have to be found for societies in which law is not defined by a relatively clear , usually written , set of rules , or in which no distinction is made between civil and criminal law .
29 Otago CA chairman J.J. Ritchie suggested a ‘ billet ’ might be found for Crawford during the day .
30 In Azerbaijan , Demirel was reported as saying that a peaceful solution should be found to Azerbaijan 's " just war " in Nagorny Karabakh .
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