Example sentences of "[be] in the interests " in BNC.

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1 According to commission sources , investigating the possible racial aspects of the serious crime squad scandal would be in the interests of both the police force and the authority , which has been criticised since its formation under the 1984 Police and Criminal Evidence Act as being ineffective and slow to act , particularly in cases of alleged assault or ill-treatment of black suspects .
2 A huge problem , though , from the conversationists ' point of view , is that it may not be in the interests of fishermen or whalers or hunters of ivory — or at least not in their financial interests — to achieve maximum sustainable yield .
3 Not surprisingly , trades unions have co-operated in the development of this age discriminatory policy , believing it to be in the interests of their older and younger members alike .
4 After all , it may be in the interests of some people , especially those who introduce the new technology , not to admit to the existence of the real forces that shape the direction of technical change .
5 However , and this could easily be the case in the larger surveying organisation , it may not be in the interests of either effective management or particular individuals to maintain this full-scale participation of all members .
6 A reduction in the number of those resitting would be in the interests of both employers and students .
7 It would not be in the interests of the company to make them public ’ .
8 In a world where British influence is conspicuously waning it might not be in the interests of a secure national identity to throw it open for young Britons to gaze on .
9 You conclude that such developments would be in the interests of individual consumers .
10 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
11 Section 142(2) provided that where a person had been convicted by the magistrates when he had pleaded not guilty or been convicted in his absence and it subsequently appeared that it would be in the interests of justice that the case be heard again by different justices the court might , subject to sub-section ( 4 ) so direct .
12 It was an essential element of the cause of action in such circumstances that the governmental plaintiff establish that the public interest would suffer detriment in the absence of a remedy ; ( 9 ) in failing to have proper regard to the legislative purpose of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 by which Parliament could not have intended to authorise a local authority to bring libel proceedings , a fortiori where it had suffered no actual financial loss ; ( 10 ) having regard to the scale of costs likely to be incurred it could never be in the interests of the inhabitants of the area for the local authority to mount an action for libel in such circumstances , and certainly was not in their interests in the present case where no injury was alleged to the superannuation fund .
13 There is some suggestion of violence on the part of the mother 's current and very , so far , short-lived relationship with the man she is now with and , if that is so — and one has to accept , for the purposes of this application , the untested evidence of the father — it would not be in the interests of these children for the original order to be made after an inter partes hearing .
14 ‘ The first question to be decided by the court is whether on the undisputed or incontrovertible facts there appears to be a question deserving fuller investigation and whether it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the child for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
15 Adopting that approach to the facts and circumstances of the present application I am satisfied that it raises a question deserving a fuller investigation , and , if that investigation were to favour [ the foster mother ] , that it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the children ( or one or more of them ) for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
16 It seems to me that that would be wholly inappropriate — it would involve further analysis of the history relating to the local authority 's care of these children and that , I think , can be in the interests of no one , certainly not of the children .
17 They have had no opportunity whatsoever to hear the nature of the point which is due to be considered by you in relation to these submissions , and I think that it would be in the interests of public understanding of this case were they enabled to hear .
18 Thus , in deciding , for example , whether to close down an unprofitable factory and make those working in it redundant , the directors are required to consider the effect of closure on the employees , but they are nevertheless under a duty to shut the factory if they believe this to be in the interests of the shareholders .
19 Obviously it will be in the interests of the firms involved to present evidence favourable to their case .
20 Lee has rejected speculation that social workers might release fresh medical evidence , saying it would not be in the interests of the children .
21 Whilst it may be in the interests of the court and a ‘ fair result ’ for as much as possible to be disclosed in the early stages so that the matters really in dispute can be identified and the strength of the evidence assessed , it will often be in the interests of the parties to conceal what they know .
22 Whilst it may be in the interests of the court and a ‘ fair result ’ for as much as possible to be disclosed in the early stages so that the matters really in dispute can be identified and the strength of the evidence assessed , it will often be in the interests of the parties to conceal what they know .
23 Even if an NHS trust can be demonstrated to be in the interests of patients to reduce waiting lists and provide a better quality of service , they would reject it because they put politics before patients .
24 However , I am convinced that a further review of the industry at this stage would only create additional uncertainty , which would not be in the interests of the industry , the tenants or the customers .
25 The next Labour Government will do it ; we will have the guts to come to the House with a solution that we think will be in the interests of the consumers , those who want to retain the special nature of Sunday , those who work in the industry and all the other interested groups .
26 I share the hon. and learned Gentleman 's view that if we can avoid a vacuum , that will be in the interests of a democratic society .
27 On the first of the right hon. Gentleman 's three points — how many nuclear warheads we have — he knows that we have never indicated how many warheads there will actually be : I do not believe that it would be in the interests of our security for us to do so .
28 The research or training would be in the interests of the Community , particularly the Human Capital and Mobility Programme .
29 Clearly , those who drafted the Directive thought that normally it would be in the interests of the employee to transfer with the business .
30 For these reasons , Scottish Office management of a wider road system would not be in the interests of cycling and I would wish to object to this particular proposal .
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