Example sentences of "[be] place on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Restrictions may be placed on module names for particular environments by using a development discipline .
2 Question 18 Do you have any other suggestions as to the way in which limits might be placed on grants out of the compensation fund ?
3 Several speakers at the seminar argued for a monetary value to be placed on resources such as irrigation water .
4 However you do the sums , the levy is clearly there to pay for history ; the Select Committee said it is ‘ indefensible that so much of the burden of discharging the pre-April 1990 liabilities should be placed on electricity consumers within one eight-year period ’ .
5 The MPs called for a full report from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate on both bids ; a detailed list of all the matters under review ; precise statements on the terms of reference of the Rosyth review and on the relative weight to be placed on capital and current costs in the multi-million bids ; and the social and economic effects of run-down on employment in Rosyth and Devonport .
6 Many large business houses have a regular room allocation with hotels which can be placed on release after a certain time lapse if not required .
7 Does my hon. Friend agree that , given the substantial extra burden that will be placed on employers , well-meaning proposals to extend the benefits of the national insurance system to low-paid employees would have the opposite effect to the one intended , as most would lose their jobs ?
8 Modifications will then be placed on deposit for consultation though relevant dates for this can not be agreed until the Inspector 's Report has been fully assessed .
9 Draft Plan will be placed on deposit during the summer .
10 Stage : The Council envisages a Pre Draft Deposit consultation being held ‘ within the next 12/18 months to enable the Plan to be placed on deposit early in 1994 ’ .
11 ‘ In due course , both sections of the Brecknock Local Plan will be placed on deposit at the same time as one composite document .
12 Given that borrowed funds can always be placed on deposit the spread could be regarded as the real cost of borrowing .
13 The Supreme Court Funds ( Amendment ) Rules 1983 provide that any payment into court under Ord 22 , r1 which is not accepted within 21 days will then be placed on deposit automatically and earn interest on a daily basis for each complete pound .
14 A notice is preferable as it imposes greater protection than a caution ( which can be warned off ) but requires the consent of the landlord as the land certificate will need to be placed on deposit for the purpose of registration .
15 These dollars can then be placed on deposit and earn interest .
16 A slice of chorizo sausage may be placed on top of the refried beans for variety .
17 The two boxes can be placed on top of each other ( not always recommended with this class of equipment ) or side by side , and , due to their compact size , this should not be too space consuming .
18 The sensitised board — which is cut to size to fit the artwork — will be placed on top of it .
19 A screw should be placed on top of a vertically help Phillips or Posidriv-type screwdriver ( I used an electric drill/driver ) , and supported in that position by a short length of plastic tubing .
20 He went into the room and walked past the rows of documentation too secret to be placed on computer disc .
21 The next steps will be concerned with getting down to the details of research itself , and emphasis will be placed on problems of field research .
22 According to some commentators the peace process would effectively be placed on hold at least until January 1993 when Clinton took office .
23 At the same time , waste tips must be placed on land that does not conceal deposits that might be worked in future .
24 Pickets will be placed on Connolly Hall by trade union members resident in our areas whose wishes were not represented by the current action of the ITGWU ;
25 Greater emphasis would be placed on payment for pre-trial work .
26 1978 ) , reliance has to be placed on isopach maps in most areas .
27 The children 's panel hearing which followed this assessment felt that he should be placed on home supervision , given the generally supportive nature of the family home , but that he should attend a privately-run child guidance facility in Glasgow , instead of mainstream schooling , for long-term assessment , as a day-pupil .
28 Normally only appropriate where significant reliance has had to be placed on management who are not the sole owners of the business .
29 The judge also ordered that Lake Resources Inc. , the largely defunct Hakim corporation which had operated as a conduit for Iran-contra funds , should be placed on probation prior to its dissolution .
30 In his speech Sir Michael backed Mr Birt but said he should effectively be placed on probation for 12 months .
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