Example sentences of "[be] hold liable [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even though international organisations , as international persons , may be held liable under international law for the acts they perform , this can not exclude the secondary liability of the Member States themselves .
2 In determining whether the defendants ought to be held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher , the learned judge considered that he ought to pay regard to ( i ) the quantities of combustible materials which the defendants brought onto the land ; ( ii ) the way in which they stored them ; and ( iii ) the character of the neighbourhood .
3 Savory argued that a stranger to whom money had been paid in breach of trust could only be held liable as a constructive trustee to account for the money after he had parted with it , if it could be shown that he knew the money misapplied was trust money .
4 The reasoning on this point has , however , attracted much criticism and it has been proposed that the husband should , in future , be held liable as an accessory in these circumstances .
5 An interim payment may be ordered by the court on application , but an order will only be made when it is clear that the defendant will be held liable at trial .
6 Courts should not exclude evidence just because it is not accepted wisdom ; nor should they allow plaintiffs to be held liable on the basis of mere hypothesis or speculation .
7 Presumably the justification is that D has already crossed a high moral/social threshold in choosing to commit such a serious offence , and should therefore be held liable for whatever consequences ensue , however unforeseeable they may be .
8 To support manslaughter liability in these cases one would have to espouse the draconian principle that a person should be held liable for all the consequences of any wrongful act .
9 The survey is usually carried out by a chartered surveyor , which means — in theory at least — that he can be held liable for negligence and sued for damages .
10 The downside is that , unlike financial controllers , directors can , technically speaking , be held liable for negligence and consequently sued .
11 However , in M v. Home Office the Court of Appeal held that although neither the Crown as such nor a government department could be held liable for contempt as a result of disobeying a court order ( including an order of prohibition or mandamus ) because they are not ‘ legal persons ’ , Ministers and civil servants could be personally guilty of contempt for failing to comply with an order directed to a Minister in his or her official capacity .
12 It is clear from s.1(2) that once deemed an insider , the individual can be held liable for dealings in the securities of companies with which he has no direct relationship .
13 In an 1884 case , the Divisional Court held that an artisan whose wife had bought blankets at the door for 22/6d when he had given her permission to spend but 17/6d , could not be held liable for the extra sum .
14 Anyone resident in a house could be held liable for the support of other household members , which meant that a wage-earning son or daughter often moved out of the home in order not to diminish the unemployed parents ' entitlement to benefit .
15 In deceit cases the defendant will be held liable for all the loss flowing from the fraudulent statement ( Doyle v Olby ( Ironmongers ) Ltd [ 1969 ] 2 QB 158 ) .
16 At common law the employer did not guarantee the safety of the equipment and could not be held liable for latent defects in the equipment which could not be discovered with reasonable care .
17 At common law the employer did not guarantee the safety of the equipment and could not be held liable for a latent defect in it .
18 Gallagher was found guilty of careless driving , but his insurers , the Norwich Union , insist he ca n't be held liable for what happened .
19 Accountants will be held liable to third parties with whom they have no contractual or fiduciary relationship .
20 He contended that , as the plaintiffs ' claim against the third defendant is based exclusively on conspiracy and fraud , the third defendant will only be held liable to the plaintiffs if he is found guilty of serious dishonesty .
21 senior police officers not to be held liable to individual officers for injuries received at hands of riotous crowd .
22 Congress , this motion urges a change in legislation so that , in the matter of insolvency , the employer be held liable to a much greater degree and indeed be held criminally responsible for actions involving awardance of debt liability .
23 He regarded that case as deciding that an agent for principal A who has chosen to act for another principal B on whose behalf he acquires information can not be forced to divulge such information to principal A but can be held liable in damages to principal A for breach of duty .
24 Conversely , a carrier who issues a non-negotiable bill in a foreign port naming a United States importer as consignee may be held liable in the United States for refusing to deliver the goods to the United States consignee who does not surrender the bill of lading .
25 The auctioneer may be held liable in any case on the basis that he had contracted to sell the goods to the highest bidder ( see Warlow v Harrison ( 1859 ) 1 E & E 309 ) .
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