Example sentences of "[that] [is] provided [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the view is taken that ‘ civil disputes are a matter of private concern of the parties involved , and may even be regarded as their private property … and that the parties are themselves the best judges of how to pursue and serve their own interests in the conduct and control of their respective cases , free from the directions of or intervention by the court , ’ forms of alternative dispute resolution must be considered as worth pursuing for the control that is provided to the parties over their dispute .
2 For a large proportion of our members the activities of both County and National are completely irrelevant and all that matters is how good is the programme that is provided at local level .
3 Questions have frequently been raised about the effect upon indigenous paraprofessionals of the training that is provided for them .
4 For Merton , such behaviour occurs as a result of a discrepancy or contradiction between the aspirations which society has socialised into its members ( the ends or goals ) and the way that is provided for the realisation of such aspirations ( the means ) .
5 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
6 Instead , the level of judicial training that is provided for Crown Court judges , as for magistrates , is fairly rudimentary , consisting of a three-day seminar for new recruits , and a refresher seminar every five years once they are permanently appointed .
7 You should acquaint yourself with any material that is provided about the authority .
8 Such considerations may appear comparatively unimportant in other industries , but the construction industry contains many small firms , more than 23,000 of which are likely to qualify for the exemption that is provided in the order .
9 It is a feature of most surveys concerned with older people that they enumerate the care received by older people but rarely ask about the care that is provided by older people themselves .
10 In these developments , management services are concerned with the practical problems of repairs and maintenance rather than the kind of care that is provided by wardens in sheltered housing .
11 It is this confidence that is provided by Directory Integrity Check , since it allows a complete comparison to be made between the files in a directory/directory structure and their corresponding LIFESPAN modules .
12 I suggest that the Labour and particularly Liberal feel , think very carefully about the quality of service that is provided by this county er council cos at the moment there is neither justice or equity in it .
13 Erm , so , instead of paying for primary schools , eleven point nine per cent , which is the the actual er amount of er indirect support that is provided within the erm , Education Department , and seven that 's in relation to primary schools , and seven point eight per cent schools .
14 And he said , ‘ You 've got absolutely nothing to worry about because you see it 's like this : when a lady and a gentleman love one another , there 's a little thing that 's provided by the gentleman and a little thing that 's provided by the lady and the two little things meet up in the lady 's cave and form a baby .
15 And he said , ‘ You 've got absolutely nothing to worry about because you see it 's like this : when a lady and a gentleman love one another , there 's a little thing that 's provided by the gentleman and a little thing that 's provided by the lady and the two little things meet up in the lady 's cave and form a baby .
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