Example sentences of "[not/n't] stop [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you do not stop at the road-block , you are dead , ’ says a soldier with a grimace .
2 But for parents the cost will not stop at the price of a movie ticket .
3 But they did not stop at the analysis of the system of meanings , they used this analysis as a basis for recovering ‘ hidden ’ meanings — for interpreting what they were studying .
4 But we did not stop at the café .
5 For whatever reason he did not stop at the Fish — which he had visited on several occasions ; nor did he seek out or meet Mary whom he knew and greatly admired .
6 Our commitment to quality does not stop at the brewery gate , it follows through to the customer .
7 But the police harassment did not stop with the imprisonment .
8 It has been appreciated that learning does not stop with the examinations for registrations .
9 This outward looking emphasis does not stop with the clergy but is even more demanding for the bishops .
10 But refinement did not stop with the genteel residences , it extended to the social life of the towns they inhabited — .
11 In some instances the masses did not stop with the obit but went on with the annual ‘ year 's mind ’ for up to ten years or more .
12 And this did not stop with the Reformation for , ‘ by virtue of the very generous pensions they were granted when they surrendered their houses to the Crown , ex-abbots possessed ample means to found chantries … or to make bequests for soul-masses after death ’ .
13 There 's another aspect to what we do , and that is that I think we are part of a very powerful developing movement in education , and it is based on the concept that education should not stop with the terminal rituals of school and college , and that education should be as much part of life , wanting to know , to find out , to get to grips with the body of information and knowledge that 's available in society .
14 Cross-examined by John Griffith Williams QC , about why he did not stop for the children , he said that he was concerned not to hit them and instinctively moved away into the fast lane .
15 ‘ If the power of the atom is released ’ he had said , ‘ it will set up a chain reaction that will not stop until the end of the world . ’
16 At night , the presses do not stop until the small hours , so the restaurant stays open with a cook , a general assistant and a catering student .
17 The eruption did not stop after the destruction of the city , though , and the nuee that was responsible for the tragedy was in volcanic terms a relatively minor affair and it was by no means the last from Mt Pelee .
18 In spite of a change in political outlook , the ravaging of national book treasures did not stop in the post-war era .
19 You ca n't stop between the stanzas , can you ?
20 They did n't stop at the nearest building , but drove on to a bigger one with many more vehicles outside .
21 In one he 's in a lift that does n't stop at the top but keeps going into a world of claustrophobia and vertigo .
22 She was in a lift and the lift would n't stop at the right floor but kept going first up and then down , past the numbers she wanted .
23 What 's the difference when you have a line that does n't stop at the end of the line ?
24 Do n't stop at the .
25 Their faces contorted with tension and their voices hoarse from screaming deals , traders at the London financial futures market hit the floor running and did n't stop throughout the most hectic day they 've ever known .
26 The quest for excellence does n't stop in the examination room ; training is an on-going process for MLA members who keep up to date with new technological advances in the security industry by attending weekend and annual conventions .
27 Of course , if he looks dodgy then do n't stop in the first place ; just say that you do n't carry a watch .
28 In fact they did n't stop until the next step in Patel emigration — their expulsion from East Africa .
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