Example sentences of "[not/n't] necessarily [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
2 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
3 Although increased cellular proliferation does not necessarily relate to carcinogenesis , some researchers have suggested the use of increased cellular proliferation as a marker of cancer risk in man and since some dietary fibres have been shown to increase colonic cellular proliferation and to increase tumour yield in nimal models of colon cancer the effect of fermentable fibre on cellular proliferation may be a cause of concern .
4 The keyword LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE does not necessarily relate to the CHECKED-BY keyword in the MODIFICATIONS-RECORDS field of the module referenced , but is purely for the user 's information .
5 Quinn sees large companies as similar to large rivers slowly moving in given directions , but containing within them various ebbs , flows and eddies which , while they do not necessarily contribute in any direct analytical way to the general direction , nevertheless in aggregate help to determine it .
6 ( 2 ) Straight or curved lines that radiate from a common centre , but do not necessarily pass through it .
7 Nor do I try to get in touch with Lord Mountbatten , and I would not necessarily want to .
8 The details of it all were a little mundane to him and he did not necessarily want to be implicated in them .
9 But statistics do not necessarily make for good intelligence .
10 Good science does not necessarily make for good philosophy .
11 Hand-made panels do not necessarily make for better cars .
12 Hand-beating an aluminium panel does not necessarily make for a better car , confers no empirically measurable added value : nonetheless , it is the hand-wroughtness of Aston Martins that make otherwise sensible men write out cheques for £120,000 .
13 THERE was an article in The Times the other day which said that good spelling did not necessarily make for good writing .
14 A charter party did not necessarily attest to the ownership of the goods shipped because the charterer might not have been a shipper , but merely a lessor of space .
15 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
16 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
17 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
18 British vital interests might not necessarily coincide with those of the Americans as Suez had shown all too clearly .
19 What the employee wants to know and understand does not necessarily coincide with what the organization needs him to know and understand .
20 Though a number of economists have made further assumptions about the behaviour of the economy — principally , that firms will substitute labour for capital if there is unemployment ( because in those circumstances real wages will fall ) — which remove some of the apparent instabilities , others have concluded that the instability still occurs because the actual rate of investment may still not necessarily coincide with the warranted rate of growth for full employment .
21 On several occasions when their views have been canvassed , the judges of the High Court and the Court of Appeal have shown themselves capable of contemplating changes that do not necessarily coincide with popular or professional opinion .
22 This immediately creates some problems , since " codes " for this purpose are social constructs , and do not necessarily coincide with what linguists would recognise as discrete languages .
23 The hurtful effects of a piece of music do not necessarily stem from anything intrinsically harmful within itself , or even from its being used for manipulation .
24 Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same , however .
25 It is often the case that the definition of administrative regions within countries tends to reflect certain historical and institutional processes which , although they might have produced some degree of spatial cohesion , do not necessarily accord with what one might view as appropriate for economic scrutiny .
26 But this apparent methodological superiority does not necessarily spring from any intrinsic properties of the stratificational model .
27 What characterises these speaker-initiated insertion sequences , then , is that the London English part of the speaker 's turn is a sequence embedded in the turn but not part of the mainstream ; it does not necessarily start at a syntactic clause completion point ( for example ( 8 ) , where it begins after a subject pronoun ) and its purpose is to elicit information , or check on information to make it possible for the speaker to complete the current turn ( Sebba and Wootton 1984 : 4 ) .
28 Planning need not necessarily start with detailed consideration of the content of a history study unit .
29 It is also the case that the elegant theories created by theoretical linguists need not necessarily evolve into computationally effective techniques .
30 As the entries may not necessarily fit on one physical line , they may be continued by following any closing square bracket with a minus sign ( as shown in the example ) .
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