Example sentences of "[not/n't] take [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 Marie Grubbe could not take offence at the insults and the brutality to which Søren , her third husband , subjected her when she so thoroughly understood herself and him . …
2 Lane did not take offence at his boss 's comment , nor did he slow down .
3 A particularly charming smile ensured she 'd not take offence at his words .
4 He would not take part at all .
5 Casual , individual violence was almost certainly more common than today but ‘ hooliganism ’ in the collective and contemporary sense did not take place at football matches .
6 This typification does not imply that work would not take place at each of the four levels , in each policy context ( though it may , indeed , take different forms and receive different priorities ) .
7 We discuss evidence that these two types of mapping can be carried out separately and that , in certain circumstances , role-to-name mapping in particular may not take place at all .
8 However , if the relevant project could not take place at all without cooperation , then Article 85(1) will not be infringed .
9 As we have seen , some genetic change may not take place at random , or events may occur more quickly than Darwin believed .
10 ( Luke : The account of the trial in Luke does not take place at night but in the morning .
11 The story I have sketched here should be sufficient to indicate that the Copernican Revolution did not take place at the drop of a hat or two from the Leaning Tower of Pisa .
12 With a chord of C major , diatonic substitution notes would be as shown in Example 100 , resolving on the note substituted as indicated ( if any resolution takes place ) : The above resolutions may not take place at all ; indeed , one substitution note may move to another ( presuming the same harmony ) , again without any resolution taking place .
13 The most serious business , though , will not take place at your stand , despite its prestigious location in the most important of the fair 's nine airport sized exhibition halls .
14 Anyway , the position now is that if you do not take silk at the right moment , it may mean that you have to continue working much too hard for your time of life ; on the other hand some barristers who take silk repent it , for they find too late that their services in the more expensive class of advocacy are not in demand .
15 People taking certain medicines should not take alcohol at the same time , or maybe not take it at all because the alcohol will have a more pronounced effect under/or the effect of the medicine will be altered .
16 The driver would have known it was his first time , did n't take offence at the yelling .
17 I 'd just like to add er , that I did n't take offence at the question , I think it was a perfectly qu fair question , it was the , the inference of , of rigging salaries .
18 He was such a charismatic man that Ruth could n't take offence at that .
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