Example sentences of "[not/n't] be carried [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The Government confirmed that the Bill would not proceed — it fell with the dissolution of Parliament on 16 March ( unfinished legislation can not be carried over to the new parliament ) .
2 Unlike the situation at a comparable juncture in western development , however , this revolution could not be carried through under the leadership of the bourgeoisie .
3 Just as the will of God can not be known without the revelation of the Spirit , so the service of God can not be carried through without the equipment of that same Spirit .
4 Should they turn out to be insurmountable then the decision is classified as " a good decision which can not be carried through " .
5 That legislation can not be carried through in the remainder of this Parliament and will be a matter for the next Parliament .
6 Nor were the financial departments in France and Germany in any way independent of the royal household , even though in the nature of things the royal treasury could not be carried round with the king on his travels in quite the way in which the relics were .
7 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
8 In the cyclic natural scheme of things some kind of decay is essential , otherwise not only would the earth be cluttered with the stems of most of the plants which have ever lived , but most of the world 's supply of carbon would be locked up in cellulose so that life could not be carried on .
9 Public business could not be carried on if that were not the case .
10 Following the accession of George I , he seconded a motion of 12 April 1717 that English trade to the Baltic could not be carried on unless the king of Sweden was brought to reason , and during the South Sea crisis he advocated strong measures against the directors .
11 If the price has been fixed on the basis that a particular fact is correct , the acquirer will agree that the risk of it not being so , even if no one could have known , should fall on the seller , since the seller will have been paid a price which assumed that the warranty was correct ; although no doubt the seller will point out that the business is being bought as a going concern and a business can not be carried on without risk .
12 The Society is essential to our being , Medau work would not have become established in this country and can not be carried on without it .
13 TCG is biased against the taxpayer and in favour of the Revenue , because losses can not be carried back and there is no provision for carrying forward unused annual exemptions nor for top-slicing ( spreading the gains over the years during which they have occurred ) .
14 If this is not done then the full range of triceps movement has not been achieved and full contraction will not be carried out , thus inhibiting development .
15 This would mean that safety procedures would not be carried out and all the nation 's pits might have to be scrapped in a mass act of collective suicide .
16 The development of housing for sale with the use of private funding can not be carried out by a registered housing association — Northern Counties Provident Housing Association — had to be set up .
17 Together , they underpin rather than oversee the disciplines they serve , and reliance upon them can be so complete that procedures simply can not be carried out without their aid .
18 This means that specified alterations , from putting in new windows to removing chimney stacks , may not be carried out without consent .
19 Guy 's Hospital colleagues were particularly disappointed that the project could not be carried out in Southwark , and it was therefore agreed that we should seek a similar , inner London , largely working-class borough with an established psychogeriatric service , so that findings might be applicable to the Southwark situation .
20 Indeed , the colonial system of the nineteenth century was a sort of polity which was particularly vulnerable to an illegal activity like cattle stealing which could not be carried out without the connivance or at least tolerance of a large segment of the population .
21 But the point about the evaluation of materials is that it can not be carried out in dissociation from the contexts of particular classrooms : it must be part of the process of self-monitoring mediation that I am advocating here .
22 Without them , many of today 's sophisticated techniques would not be carried out , particularly in the vital field of Blood Transfusion .
23 In accordance with Article 4 of this Treaty , the British government had sought and received assurances from the United States that if extradition were to take place , the death penalty would not be carried out .
24 While stabilisation of the production and price of essential commodities can be seen as legitimate functions of an international organisation , they inevitably involve purely commercial dealings which should not be carried out without the objective protection of an applicable legal system and the availability of a judicial or arbitral forum for the resolution of commercial disputes .
25 As for making up and imposition , the tasks most often cited as barred to women , they could certainly not be carried out by anyone who had not received a proper training , and were rightly regarded as skilled work .
26 For the fact is that the family is of such importance in the social structure and in personal life that much social work can not be carried out except in the broad family context .
27 Developments of this sort can not be carried out without planning permission granted by local planning authority .
28 The two functions of initial and in-service education are clearly interrelated and can not be carried out in isolation from each other .
29 Similarly the recommendations of the NCLE working party earlier in this volume which are particularly pertinent to foreign language teachers ( nos. 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 and 8 ) can not be carried out only within initial training .
30 The tasks identified for coordinators by the Authority could not be carried out with anything less than enactor status .
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