Example sentences of "[not/n't] care for the " in BNC.

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1 He watched the man narrowly , not caring for the wariness of his eyes and the way his hands had begun to twitch .
2 This can too easily move into saving endangered species and not caring for the Minke whales , the Harp seals , or the East African mammals .
3 This time he moved across to her , and she flinched back , not caring for the threatening look on his face .
4 That 's not caring for the community at all .
5 I 've not cared for the last few at all , but this one I 'd definitely play on the radio .
6 A proper discussion of a football match can not occur if one of the participants is quite ignorant of the rules of the game ; and the kind of assessment of a restaurant meal that would involve the possible insertion of the establishment into a good food guide ( or perhaps its deletion from it ) will not get very far if one of the diners does not care for the meal because his idea of a gastronomic treat is a cheeseburger and french fries ( though within the order of the burger discriminations are possible ) .
7 He refused an invitation from the EC 's energy authority to investigate the possibilities of translating electricity , generated within green plants , into a new source of fuel : he did not care for the clause giving the EC the right to suppress anything in the eventual reports .
8 So there were many , even among teachers , who , being university orientated , did not care for the Council .
9 Many secretaries of state are not particular admirers of their junior ministers and do not care for the department to be represented by them at OD .
10 Tyroglyphus , harmless to the vine but a deadly enemy of Phylloxera vastatrix , was imported in 1873 in an attempt to kill off the pest ; unfortunately , however , unlike phylloxera , Tyroglyphus did not care for the European climate and failed to settle .
11 The Judaism of the Pharisees and Scribes did not care for the lost .
12 Hazel did not care for the look of the trees .
13 She did not care for the serious young men who toured the Home Office and the Treasury with her .
14 ‘ I 'm afraid I do not care for the theatre . ’
15 These poems offer , then , not care for the self but care of the other .
16 ‘ Or if you do n't care for the porridge , there 's some of these new Post Toasties .
17 I do n't care for the practice of polling because of polling because it is direct descendant of that fraudulent invention sociology .
18 Dickens regards the behaviour of Mr Guppy as ‘ usual ’ in people who go over houses : ‘ They straggle about in wrong places , look at wrong things , do n't care for the right things , gape when more rooms are opened , exhibit profound depression of the spirits , and are clearly knocked up . ’
19 John does n't care for the paintings , and there 's no financial incentive , but he feels that it 's expected of him , by nurses , and by the stone and metal hydra called society .
20 ‘ He did n't care for the law .
21 " Well , I did n't care for the way you were standing there ringing the bell .
22 ‘ I do n't care for the notion that Paul Gray had his head cut off in the Cathedral .
23 ‘ He always says he does n't care for the game .
24 If you do n't care for the idea I shall understand . ’
25 Mother never stopped telling me she did n't care for the lax morals that had become so fashionable since the outbreak of the war .
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