Example sentences of "[not/n't] care [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their faults seem so deeply ingrained , from quantitative measures and bogus statistics to valueless currencies and not caring about the environment .
2 Waiting for the spasm to pass , and now not caring about the bed : fuck it , he was sick .
3 ‘ They 'd find it for you fast enough , ’ he went on , either not noticing or not caring about the embarrassment of his host .
4 Faye touched a hand to her abdomen , not caring about the smear of clear , odourless gel there , and the slight movement made the heartbeat disappear again .
5 The Ford behind had also disengaged itself , not caring about the shriek of metal .
6 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
7 He watched the man narrowly , not caring for the wariness of his eyes and the way his hands had begun to twitch .
8 This can too easily move into saving endangered species and not caring for the Minke whales , the Harp seals , or the East African mammals .
9 This time he moved across to her , and she flinched back , not caring for the threatening look on his face .
10 That 's not caring for the community at all .
11 J actually expends energy on caring about not caring in a ( non ) attempt to kid us nothing' at all bothers him into action , no sir .
12 I 've not cared for the last few at all , but this one I 'd definitely play on the radio .
13 Staff appeared not to care about the unavailable theses , and it took considerable effort to persuade them to check the whereabouts of the missing ones .
14 Superintendent Robertson did not care about the mutterings from the lower ranks against her strict disciplinarian attitude .
15 They did not care about the burst tyre — all 14 inches and $400 of it — and could hardly be bothered to check the rest of the car .
16 He did not care about the money .
17 The state here is only a collection of functionaries , so it does not care about the aesthetic condition of the buildings it administers .
18 A man who did not care about the consequences of his actions .
19 But the worst aspect of this whole affair is that so many people do not care about the quality of life for old people .
20 The people from the mining company do not care about the land and they do not care what happens to the countryside .
21 ‘ I do not care about the kidnappers .
22 Second , if the teacher dashes off as soon as school is over ( s ) he can not care about it and so ( s ) he can not care about the pupils who attend the school .
23 Of course , one could say one need not care about the breakdown in predictability that occurred in a distant star .
24 She told herself she did not care about the fact that he was already married but was equally scarred by the knowledge that he did have a wife .
25 They do not care about the people in the industry or those who may serve .
26 Is not the simple truth that the Government do not give a damn about law and order and do not care about the safety of people in their homes and on the streets ?
27 Is not it the truth that the right hon. and learned Gentleman 's Government , having created recession and unemployment , do not care about the casualties of their policies ?
28 They do not care about the unemployed .
29 They do not care about the sick .
30 He really did not care about the effect of his actions .
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