Example sentences of "[not/n't] see [det] reason " in BNC.

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1 He would not need above four days ' leave from them and since Oreste is now or will be by then nearly three which is the age Pen first travelled at I can not see any reason why he need inconvenience the party .
2 I do not see any reason for using anything special , so I choose to bait with two items , bread and worms .
3 It was found that although a four-week tutorial programme had been prepared , the children in the mainstream school were far more receptive and accepting of the situation and could not see any reason for delaying the child 's integration .
4 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
5 I can not see any reason why that process can not be speeded up within the system .
6 I do not anticipate that these will be on a very substantial scale and I do not see any reason why it should be necessary to ask Your Majesty to return to London prematurely .
7 Now that is the accepted way of doing it , and I can not see any reason why that can not be done , erm in Greater York , once the location for the new settlement is erm er is identified , erm so that 's my definition of erm integrated and balanced community , it 's a concept , you ca n't define , I do n't think , integrated and balanced separately , you need to bind them together er into into some erm er or all er erm concept , erm now the erm the question you did pose me , sir , which er I did take a note of , but I wonder if you 'd be kind enough to repeat it so I 've I 've a I 've a got it quite clear before I respond .
8 Councillor Magnus Flaws added : ‘ I can not see any reason why this will not work this time . ’
9 erm I can not see , and this is where I part company with Peter Williamson to some extent , I can not see any reason why his data should be regarded as showing that when the sudden change did take place it took place for any reason other than natural selection within a single population .
10 He did n't see any reason to mind it , but he wondered how she had developed such a good instinct for discovering his whereabouts .
11 They have not affected the determination of the British people to carry on their lives as normal and I do n't see any reason for that to change now . ’
12 ‘ I do n't see any reason why you should n't live here , Larry , ’ said Lee , biting off a piece of thread .
13 ‘ I do n't see any reason why a dog should have been a problem , ’ said Dr Julia Schofield after collecting her MBE from the Queen .
14 By then he was forty-two years old , he was tired of the strains of FI racing , his kids were grown up and beginning to race themselves , his business interests ( and , by now , his reputation ) were all in the USA and , as he said phlegmatically at Las Vegas after his last race in FI , ‘ I just do n't see any reason to continue any more .
15 Howey took the blame for one of the goals in Saturday 's setback at Leicester , but Keegan insisted : ‘ I do n't see any reason to make big changes .
16 ‘ I 'm left with extremely uncomfortable questions about what makes men tick and I do n't see any reason to believe that men in the former Yugoslavia are different from men elsewhere .
17 ‘ But Adams could run him close and I ca n't see any reason why he ca n't go on to get still more honours with Arsenal . ’
18 We provide an excellent service and do n't see any reason to change that . ’
19 ‘ I married a Catholic but I did n't see any reason to go to church .
20 I do n't like gritstone : never did — it does n't fit any of my reasons for enjoying climbing , which is why I ca n't see any reason for not bolting it .
21 I could n't see any reason why this story should be different from the rest .
22 And I do n't see any reason why other Parish Councils should n't either .
23 So the money , and a lot of money must be getting saved ee somewhere , so I do n't see any reason why that could n't be ploughed back into the , th th the benefit system .
24 ‘ I do n't see any reason on earth why I should clear this up .
25 And I ca n't see any reason why they ca n't .
26 ‘ My actions and my choice of companions are entirely my own affair , and frankly I do n't see any reason to divulge any information about either . ’
27 ‘ No doubt you 'd have revelled in the opportunity to play Mr Wonderful on the slopes if the roads had n't been blocked , but frankly I did n't see any reason for giving you the chance to do the same here .
28 I think that the new settlement erm should be as close to York erm city as can be achieved , the erm question of the detailed location er I think is a matter for erm discussion on the basis of the other planning policy guidance erm criteria which I have n't explored terms of the locational criteria , what I was seeking to do in my comments was erm to counter a point which has been made er by the C P R E which refers to new settlements as an engine of growth , now that 's not the purpose of this new settlement , it is a response to the needs of meeting Greater York , and I do n't see any reason why that 's less likely to be achieved if it 's South South West of York , than anywhere else around the circumference of York .
29 " If you are talking about biodiversity , then I do n't see any reason for optimism , " said the Goddard Center 's Compton Tucker .
30 No , I do n't see any reason why we should n't arrive at a costing based on the costing quoted before .
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