Example sentences of "[be] [adv prt] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 Publication date for the directory was last month and the editorial listing for Hanson appears to be up to date .
2 Not all the parents will have a reading age of 17+ , be candidates for MENSA and be up to date with the latest educational jargon .
3 They were written during the thirties , but much of it would still be up to date — after all , I do not imagine German bombs have altered our countryside so significantly .
4 The reception counter should be free from dust and any display literature should be up to date , neat and tidy and in its correct place .
5 It is required that the text and control data available to the users should be up to date .
6 ‘ The benefit of new communications media and electronic data processing , shows that the Church can be up to date too ’ said Christian Schwarz-Schilling , the German Minister for Postal Services , at Credo-Bit ‘ 92 .
7 It was good to be up to date with the entering .
8 Hers was high-level popularization ; at other levels were such elementary works as Jane Marcet 's Conversations on Chemistry , ( 1806 ) and Samuel Parkes ' Chemical Catechism , ( 1806 ) though both these reckoned to be up to date with new discoveries such as those of Davy .
9 First of all , if the records are not up to date — and it is difficult to see how they could be up to date during high level activity — the source of the information is missing .
10 And do not expect them to be up to date — if you carry on reading Practical PC you might soon know more about state of the art computing than the tutor .
11 Encourage members to be up to date in risk assessment and management by inclusion of appropriate initial education and continuing professional development .
12 Please let the office know about any alterations when they happen ( we like to be up to date ! ) .
13 So I 've now got a handout for you and it 'll be up to date about how to complete a B one .
14 But a lot of people would say of course that it is of such importance , that we really ought to be up to date with exactly what 's going on , after all this is happening on our behalf .
15 She should be up to date with her vaccinations , and should be swabbed before going to the stud — vet 's visit plus consultation and advice , the swab , postage , lab fees — see how it adds up ?
16 Not only do books often tend to be rather broad in their approach to a subject , but they can also take a long time to be published after they are written and the information may thus be out of date .
17 For one thing it is by no means easy to recognise an official curriculum and for another it is very easy to confuse a government 's policy , a process which is growing and evolving , with static written evidence which may be out of date and even recognised as such .
18 We each absorb millions of pieces of new information as we progress through life ; think of the confusion if this information became jumbled up with facts learnt in any number of former lives — and many of these facts would now , of course , be out of date because of the technological progress made by man .
19 THOSE Welsh fathers whose sons hero worship Emyr Lewis and Robert Jones rather than Ian Rush and Mark Hughes could be in for a nasty shock next Christmas when they discover the Welsh rugby kit they bought this year may well be out of date .
20 It may be out of date and uninteresting or it may be sophisticated and supplemented by every kind of device and full of interest .
21 The date must not be a future one , nor must it be out of date ( more than six months ) .
22 The problem with all ongoing lists is that they are liable to be out of date almost from the day they are compiled .
23 When enterprises plan their production on the criterion of profitability they are only honouring their obligation to their shareholders — — to earn them a reasonable return on their money — and if those shareholders are institutions which are in turn merely trustees of the people 's savings … well , evidently notions of class struggle and exploitation must be out of date .
24 A significant proportion of what you are studying today will be out of date in the space of a few years .
25 ‘ It may be out of date .
26 History books are often considered to be out of date on the day of publication !
27 It may indeed be out of date in that it was yesterday 's intellectual fad , but the positivist position I have outlined seems the only possible one for someone who is seeking new laws , and new ways , to describe the universe .
28 Technological change is something that the personal computer industry is only too familiar with ; buy the latest home computer this week and it 's likely to be out of date within six months !
29 With ever changing legislation and medical progress , the handbook is destined to be out of date after a relatively short life .
30 The development plan is only one of the material considerations , and its policies and assumptions may be out of date .
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