Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in mind " in BNC.

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1 My advice , if it did , would be to bear in mind that ridicule works best better than invective .
2 Students might find it useful to examine and discuss the figures in Table 4.1 ; it should be born in mind , however , that definitions of indictable crimes have changed over time , as we mentioned in Chapter 1 .
3 However important this is , it ought to be born in mind that what may appear to be the cheapest at the time may not necessarily be the most effective in solving a particular odour problem and consequently not the cheapest in the long term .
4 This must be born in mind if and when the allocation of units is under consideration .
5 One feature of the mushroom polyps which should be born in mind when positioning them in the aquarium is the strength of the sting that their short tentacles produce .
6 However , the experimental growth rates are probably much higher than those encountered under geological conditions , but this effect should be born in mind .
7 Again , it must be born in mind that the definition of optimal path depends on the problem .
8 A few points need to be borne in mind when trying out this sequence .
9 ‘ It should be borne in mind that seasonal variations in stock market activity ususally result in lower turnover in the second half .
10 While that may not sound brilliant for the performance , it should be borne in mind that the 300E-24 saloon , weighing the best part of 500lb less and with a four-speed automatic 'box , achieved 18.8mpg while on test .
11 He writes in the last paragraph , ‘ It should be borne in mind that for the creation of a climatic regime managed by man , further progress of science and engineering is necessary which would permit a considerable increase in the present production of energy .
12 Physical sports would probably be widely accepted as an exception to restrictive rules on consent , but two points must be borne in mind .
13 But it does need to be borne in mind that although this form of sudden death can create such instantaneous reactions there are also people who hide and keep quiet and suffer for a long time before finding the opportunity to talk to someone about their feelings or until another trigger sets them grieving .
14 But it needs to be borne in mind , before we embark on the various ways of doing this , that it is by no means a universally accepted need nor is it that every bereaved person with whom we come in contact will need ‘ help ’ .
15 Discussion of the methods of approaching the material has highlighted many of the problems which should be borne in mind when using coin evidence .
16 Central to the whole debate , however , it should be borne in mind that in order to differentiate between different organizational types it would be necessary to demonstrate , firstly , that workers in different models behave differently and secondly , that this differential behaviour has an effect .
17 Moreover , it should be borne in mind that the process by which this hegemony was established took nearly forty years , from the foundation of the Zollverein in 1834 to the Empire in 1871 .
18 In developing the Kantian insight along Rawlsian lines , several points must be borne in mind .
19 An activator may be used to speed up the process but certain basic principles should be borne in mind .
20 It must be borne in mind that there is a crucial distinction between crisis management and crisis resolution .
21 There appears to have been a return to narrative , with more titles published and more copies sold ( although it must always be borne in mind that the Italian literary market is a relatively small one ) .
22 It should also be borne in mind that ancient marble statues were painted .
23 So whatever the reasons you choose this breed , his intelligence and exercise requirement must be borne in mind .
24 Two cardinal points must be borne in mind .
25 They should be borne in mind as we look at the final symptom of this ‘ strange rise ’ : the dispersal of the libraries , and the libraries themselves caught in this downward spiral .
26 It has application to all areas of the curriculum , and must be borne in mind by curriculum designers .
27 These factors have to be borne in mind in later analysis .
28 It should be borne in mind however that this project has been able to consider only short-run cost-effectiveness .
29 And of course it should also be borne in mind that cost-effectiveness is not the only consideration in assessing the value of such a scheme .
30 It must be borne in mind that the majority of these data have been derived from subjects younger than 65 years ( Koch-Weser , 1978 ) so that the effect of hypotensive drugs in the older age-groups regardless of their blood-pressure status was largely unknown until the recent publication of the European Working Party Trial which did show significant benefits in the elderly ( Amery et al , 1985 ) .
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