Example sentences of "[be] [verb] for use " in BNC.

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1 There is a need for packages or other materials which incorporate data to be developed for use in teaching quantitative analysis in a range of different disciplines .
2 The implications which these authors seek to deduce is that , since it is wrong to base a strategic doctrine on a potential illegal use of weapons , the policy of deterrence based on assured destruction should be ‘ declaratory ’ only , and that actual plans should be based on the development , deployment and targeting of weapons which ‘ should be intended for use only against military objectives and be as discriminate as reasonably possible in their collateral effects upon the civilian population and property ’ ( Builder and Graubard , 1982 , p. 51 ) .
3 The staff hoped that a French micro , the Thompson 07 , could be modified for use in their first major pilot project near Marseilles .
4 It could still be modified for use , provided it was backed up with some new , stronger coercion .
5 Harrowell also suggests that other power station wastes , such as nitrogen and sulphur dioxide could be harvested for use as sulphuric acid and fertilizer .
6 The key distinction is not between ‘ electronic ’ and ‘ non-electronic ’ artefacts ; it is between those artefacts which can be organised for use via telecommunication connection and those which can not [ Lester ( 1985 ) ] .
7 According to The Portland Group the HPF compiler can be targeted for use by all sorts of parallel systems and clusters of workstations on a network .
8 It must be designed for use in conjunction with a file containing an up-to-date collection of PPGs , MPGs and circulars , so that it can help quickly identify relevant policy statements for use in the preparation of responses to local planning authorities or in statements to public inquiries .
9 The Ness Co-operative have moved , in nine months , from an attitude of , ‘ They should do it ’ to a conviction of , ‘ We must do it ourselves ’ , and have established a vegetable co-operative , bought a combine harvester , leased an unused schoolhouse garden which they will sponsor as a Job Creation Scheme to be prepared for use as a nursery and demonstration area for horticulture , and intend leasing an entire croft belonging to a member of the Community Association .
10 To remedy the worst excesses of lack of scholarship and poor teaching the Queen , following earlier examples , ordered Books of Homilies to be prepared for use in all parish churches .
11 The centre will be equipped for use by Scottish Nuclear as a media briefing centre linked to the Torness Off-site Centre nearby at Cockenzie Power Station .
12 Richard Burns , colour and tinting expert at Michaeljohn uses the Henara brand of powders which can be bought for use at home from chemists and department stores , costing £2.19 .
13 Some garden produce , however , is deliberately grown for storage , and crops can be preserved for use during the winter months must be fully ripened if they are to last without rapid deterioration .
14 The first of them to be approved for use in Canada offers a cure rate of over 90% .
15 Three of Zeneca 's new products come close to meeting the blockbuster criteria : Casodex , Accolate and Merrem could all be approved for use by 1996 .
16 A RAILWAY safety inspector acknowledged yesterday that junctions like the one at Newton , near Motherwell , where four people died in a head-on train crash , were unlikely ever to be approved for use again .
17 Graphic output , printed reports and files of many different types can be produced for use with other programs such as Jandel Scientific 's own SigmaPlot .
18 Information collected within operational systems , such as payroll , can feed into decision support systems such as are provided by a personnel data base , which in turn can be summarised for use in planning and modelling systems .
19 Powerful search routines may then be summoned for use with your database , and statistical analyses can be carried out to compare catches by angler 's names .
20 Any smooth flooring supplied unsealed should be sealed for use in a bathroom — instructions are supplied by the manufacturer .
21 Lord Finlay implied that the trust mechanism could be adapted for use in international law , whereby a new State could be a beneficiary of rights contained in an agreement between other States which are bound by the agreement to accord it those rights .
22 The techniques can be adapted for use in your studies to great effect .
23 A textbook for the development of oral skills in English for the foreign business professional or student which can be adapted for use with various class sizes , student needs and interests , language levels and time constraints .
24 The cash will be used to buy a computer which will be adapted for use by disabled children .
25 At the clearing stations the backlog of even the partially repaired mounted alarmingly as , with the constant demand of the Voie Sacrée supply route , all too few vehicles could be spared for use as ambulances .
26 A specific terminal must be allocated for use by Offline at the times when an offline run is to be conducted , as defined by the Offline Manager .
27 The main tunnel portal is inland at Holywell where part of the tunnel spoil will be offloaded for use in the construction of the Cheriton terminal .
28 It can also be converted for use as an omnidirectional microphone .
29 Greenpeace estimates that fresh fuel can be turned into a nuclear weapon in only seven days , and that spent fuel can be converted for use in as little as one month .
30 More B and B : A wing of Dryderdale Hall , South Bedburn , is to be converted for use as bed and breakfast accommodation .
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