Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [art] opportunity " in BNC.

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1 Employees should be given every opportunity to acquire a stake in the business for which they work .
2 Moreover , as patrons or practitioners of the arts and as future adult learners in all spheres of life , pupils should be given every opportunity to become familiar with — and derive pleasure and understanding from — the widest possible range of oral presentations : from plays , films and broadcasting to debates and public lectures .
3 In this situation the next-of-kin really is in a state of total shock and incapable of cogent thought and should therefore be given every opportunity to express whatever grief is felt that will help to assuage their loss .
4 The following resolution passed by the Bournemouth Congress in 1971 also illustrates this new mood : This Congress demands according to the rights of citizenship in a democratic society : a ) That whenever legislation is proposed concerning the deaf , the deaf themselves as represented by the British Deaf Association should have full consultation and adequate participation at all levels ; b ) That in the implementation of all such legislation the deaf should be given every opportunity for active participation ; c ) That there should be adequate representation by deaf persons on governing bodies of all Associations and schools concerned with the welfare , employment and education of the deaf .
5 If someone is to be tried for matters as serious as those for which Mr. Beck was tried and to receive the condign punishment that Mr. Beck received , it is essential that he should have a fair trial and that he should be given every opportunity to deploy his defence .
6 We offer good promotion prospects and you will be given every opportunity to make your career progress .
7 MR Richard Stott , editor of the Daily Mirror , is to take charge of the People and will be given the opportunity to lead a management buy-out of the Sunday paper , its publisher , Mr Robert Maxwell said yesterday .
8 Mr Richard Stott , editor of the Daily Mirror , is to take charge of the People and will be given the opportunity to lead a management buy-out of the Sunday paper .
9 Parliament will be given the opportunity to consider this issue again .
10 Mentally handicapped children should be given the opportunity of mixing with other children from an early age .
11 The children should be given the opportunity to mix with handicapped people , and encouraged to participate in voluntary activities , helping in homes and at social clubs for the handicapped .
12 15.29 Pupils should be given the opportunity to develop the ability to :
13 15.33 Pupils working towards level 4 should , where possible , be given the opportunity to work in single sex and mixed groups of various size , with and without direct teacher supervision .
14 He believes that older people should be given the opportunity to participate in civic activities during retirement and argues for :
15 He now asked Manners why the first and second prize-winners in the competition had been passed over and Scott appointed , and requested that MPs should be given the opportunity to see all three designs displayed together before any further steps
16 Students who show evidence of sufficient merit may on completion of the course and at the discretion of the Course Committee be given the opportunity of transferring to the second year of an appropriate degree programme within the Faculty .
17 Students could be given the opportunity of actively searching for information about some topic in which they are interested .
18 These are some of the reasons why we recommend that all children should be given the opportunity to gain pleasure and critical awareness from the study of pre-twentieth-century English literature .
19 Pupils should be given the opportunity to write in a wide range of forms : diaries , formal letters , chronological accounts , reports , pamphlets , reviews ( of books , television programmes , films or plays ) , essays , newspaper articles , biography , autobiography , poems , stories , play-scripts , TV or film-scripts .
20 They should also be given the opportunity to encounter types of writing drawn from a variety of other genres — such as letters , biographies , autobiographies , diaries , film or TV scripts , travel books and other non-fictional literature .
21 ‘ He is not in good health , and he asks only that his nephew , Nathan , who is sixteen , shall be given the opportunity to work with the firm , starting at the lowest rung of the ladder , to learn the publishing business thoroughly .
22 The five spent on the line is to enable them to have three photographic run-pasts where passengers will be given the opportunity to disembark , stand clear of the track and photograph the train at some remote and picturesque location .
23 Children must be given the opportunity to talk through their ideas before they are expected to write them down .
24 An appeal following refusal of a minerals application usually results in a public inquiry , conducted by a planning inspector , in order that all individuals or organisations with a genuine interest may be given the opportunity of presenting their case .
25 Thus , for example , the way in which it is proposed to structure the rules regulating take-over bids simply reflects a judgment about how far acquiring companies should , through the mechanism of the take-over bid , be given the opportunity of dislodging the managers of the target company — a judgment which can not be justified simply by appealing to the ideal of a free market .
26 The National Cricket Association received £350,000 to provide non-turf pitches ‘ in areas where schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to learn the game on good surfaces ’ , while among grants to some 50 other cricket organisations were sums of £90,000 for Irthlingborough CC , £26,000 for Shanklin CC and £20,000 for Halstead CC .
27 If thrown from his horse he would not be given the opportunity to remount .
28 She should be given the opportunity to provide her own solution .
29 There may be no alternative to leave-of-absence or annual leave but the nurse should be given the opportunity to resolve her difficulty by seeking the help of colleagues who may be prepared to substitute for her at short notice .
30 Additionally , they do have continuity of employment and can be given the opportunity to do extra hours whenever possible .
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