Example sentences of "[that] at least [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 New electoral rules will mean that at least part of Congress will be chosen by voters from all over the country , undermining the power of regional party bosses .
2 There is clearly now an urgent need for a Historic Stations Trust to remove those treasures that remain beyond the reach of the hammers of the destroyers , both official and unofficial , so that at least part of this precious heritage may be handed down to future generations .
3 Jack Cowan , working at the California Institute of Technology , Pasadena , California , thinks that at least part of the hallucinogenic experience may result from an instability of neural activity in the visual cortex .
4 If his claim stands up , it establishes that at least part of the redshift in the light from some astronomical objects is not produced simply by their recession from us in the expanding Universe , and that blunts the cutting edge of the most important tool in observational cosmology .
5 While half of her brain hated and despised them for the job they were doing , the other half acknowledged that at least part of her present mission was to buy newspapers and read what was said .
6 It would be folly to pretend that at least part of me does n't love independence or that very independent women make the most adaptable of wives .
7 The society 's board of trustees is hoping that at least part of the funds it needs by June will come from government sources : in response to a stampede of scholars from around the world who invaded the library in what were to be its final days last month , local government provided an emergency $66,000 to keep the library open until 2 April .
8 These revisions do not ask us to view the prewar Japanese peasant as a prosperous and independent cultivator , but they suggest that at least part of the rural sector was benefiting from the course of development .
9 Instead he demanded that at least part of his inheritance should be handed over to him at once : either England or Normandy or Anjou .
10 I thought that at least part of what I 'd said had satisfied him .
11 But she was guiltily aware that at least part of his reason for staying on the island so long and not returning to England was his hope of one day furthering their relationship .
12 Steffensmeier and Harer ( 1987 ) have argued that at least part of this decline in the US may be attributed to demographic factors i.e. to a declining number of young males .
13 The Secretary of State has argued today that at least part of the money saved has been spent on other benefits and he has implied that on balance , people are no worse off — a familiar argument .
14 Cooke ( 1987 ) reports that at least part of this scenario is now possible , for Chrysler demonstrated its Chrysler Laser Atlas Satellite System ( CLASS ) , capable of storing 13 000 map images on optical disc , as long ago as the 1984 World 's Fair in New Orleans .
15 raising the possibility that at least part of the permeability defect is not an inherited abnormality but secondary to the disease process .
16 As far as the exemption in s103(3) is concerned , " arrangement " is again widely defined as any agreement , scheme or arrangement and it is thought that it must be the case that at least part , if not the whole , of the consideration for the shares allotted is the transfer of the shares in the other company ( ie the target ) .
17 Recalling his reaction after she 'd bumped into David Law , she felt sure that at least part of the reason was to have her under his eye .
18 I think erm my two , or perhaps three , favourite novelists for today would be William Golding , Graham Greene and Iris Murdoch , and it seems to me that at least part of their importance is that they are really concerned with moral themes , as George Eliot was , even though , like George Eliot , they are shy about forcing a particular moral down the throat of a reader .
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