Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] to see the " in BNC.

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1 She was not sorry to see the back of Lazar Farm this time .
2 I am not sorry to see the stand go because being shabby , leaky at the back , and all but condemned , it was a constant reminder of the team 's own position .
3 The spacing of such steps on pointe is so minute and so fast that it is not possible to see the change of feet as one succeeds the other .
4 Certainly Tate is not prepared to see the Federal capital , Washington , as a restored Richmond , as Virgil 's Aeneas sees Rome as a second Troy .
5 I think by the demonstration this morning that people are not prepared to see the building fall down and I think that , erm if necessary , people will do everything within their power to prevent the erm the contractors moving in .
6 It is not easy to see the future for the art of jewellery ; it may even be considered that as an art it has not a future .
7 AT this time of year it 's not unusual to see the odd pumpkin turn into a coach .
8 Came the reply , ‘ You 're not supposed to see the faces , it 's a dark film . ’
9 You see , sometimes you turn these over , it puts ideas into your head , you see you 're not supposed to see the next card .
10 It is normally placed at the point where sexual arousal is dependent on the element of pain ( inflicted or received ) , but it is not hard to see the variety of ways in which either sadistic or masochistic tendency of any marked degree can affect life-style and relationships even without its overt expression .
11 It is not hard to see the sponsor 's reasoning , of course .
12 Probably , by the time he came to write Surprised by Joy his way of looking at himself had become so idiosyncratic that he was not able to see the significance of these two relationships in his religious , as well as in his whole emotional , development .
13 I was not able to see the CIEFL in session , but through discussions was able to get a good idea of the activities of its various English Departments .
14 It is not difficult to see the reasons for the Bible 's crucial emphasis on right parental modelling .
15 It is not difficult to see the connection between the former tradition and the stereotyped model of physical science — a model which , Hudson says , ‘ physical scientists themselves have long abandoned ’ .
16 Since evidence suggests that humans also possess binocular cortical neurones and that their connections with the left and right eyes are susceptible to modification , as with the cat and monkey ( Aslin and Banks , 1978 ) , it is not difficult to see the possible extrapolation from the cellular to the hemispheric level ( see also Kinsbourne , 1975b ) .
17 Although today it is a longer hole and equipment has improved , it is not common to see the bushes carried from the tee but it is done .
18 The flight of religious sects seeking greater freedom to pursue their often rather peculiar activities was probably less significant than in the previous half-century , if only because mid-Victorian governments held no strong views about orthodoxy as such , though probably not displeased to see the heels of the British or Danish Mormons , whose penchant for polygamy created problems .
19 We are not anxious to see the situation evolve .
20 Even ten years after the re-establishment of monarchy , those in power were not keen to see the Protectorate 's most eloquent defender openly engage in the unmistakable political rhetoric of the tract and pamphlet .
21 He was not surprised to see the boy .
22 The case proceeded before Hoffmann J. on the basis that , in accordance with the existing practice , the appellants were not entitled to see the administrators ' confidential statement which was before the judge .
23 Harland 's chairman , Dr John Parker , was n't sad to see the ship go this week when he handed it over to the Navy in a ceremony at Cammell Laird shipyard on Merseyside .
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