Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] difficult [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Having once negotiated the hurdle of the initial course it was not so difficult to persuade those who held the money bags to allow me to fly the aircraft every six months or so to maintain some sort of standard in flying up-to-date jet transports .
2 It may be difficult to persuade a television assembly worker whose plant in the United States has closed and relocated to Mexico that the maquila industry creates jobs in the United States , but it is not so difficult to persuade a worker who makes television components in a US factory that supplies an assembly plant in Mexico , that the maquila industry protects US jobs .
3 It was not so difficult to leave Roundhay .
4 Once the motivation to stop arises , it is not so difficult to kick the habit .
5 It is perhaps not so difficult to accept the overthrow of an individual — a Honecker or a Jakes : that been done before .
6 Host : Domestic dog and wild carnivores Site : Lung parenchyma Species : Filaroides milksi F. hirthi Distribution : North America , Europe and Japan The worms are very small , slender , hair-like and greyish , and are not only difficult to see with the naked eye in the lung parenchyma , but are unlikely to be recovered intact from the tissue .
7 Strong lipstick shades are not only difficult to apply , but they can look overpowering , especially on sun-kissed skin .
8 Second , the whole analysis is based on the mistaken assumption that the poet and the reader 's text worlds are identical , an assumption which is not only difficult to prove but also in contrast with the core ideas of the collection .
9 But it has also illustrated that our future world is not just difficult to predict in practice ; it is also theoretically impossible .
10 In societies such as colonial Sri Lanka , in which criminal law was made up of a set of rules , under this definition it is not normally difficult to determine whether or not an action was criminal .
11 In high concentrations of algae the meshes become clogged , and their filtering efficiency is reduced ; however , it is not usually difficult to estimate numbers of cells per cubic metre of sea water .
12 When it comes to desserts , it is not as difficult to say no the those of Spain and Mexico as it is to those of some other countries .
13 This is not as difficult to do as it sounds , simply because of the very broad maxima and minima .
14 Some have suggested that there are daily rhythms which mirror those of mental performance but which are not as difficult to measure or as prone to interference , and they come up with old standbys , body temperature and adrenalin .
15 First appointments , on occasion , could be a matter of considerable urgency to a freeholder or a burgh magistrate , and that kind of favour was not particularly difficult to arrange , if a politician had taken the precaution of developing connections with influential navy men .
16 It is not particularly difficult to get rose cuttings to sprout roots , and to suggest that that is all one needs to do to raise new plants of any and all roses is to mislead by disregarding why all the trouble is taken to propagate H.T.s , Floribundas and many more by budding and , less often , by grafting .
17 A " universal thesaurus " is indeed an impossibility , but it is not particularly difficult to construct a fairly substantial network of simple facts about relationships between words and phrases .
18 Based on 10 Megabit ethernet cards which support most kinds of ethernet backbones ( the type of cabling system that is used to connect the network up ) Mainlan is not too difficult to install , although you do really require a basic knowledge of memory configurations in PCs to get the best out of it .
19 It was noticeable that there was a willingness on the part of quite a number of voters to express as many preferences as there were candidates and the comment was sometimes made that while it was not too difficult to decide which candidates should be given first and early preferences and which candidates should be given last and later preferences it was less easy to decide the order of preference in which the middle range of candidates should be placed .
20 One can only speculate about the line the UK legislature would take , should it address itself to this problem , except that it is not too difficult to predict that the present administration would change the law so as to minimise the protections afforded to the worker .
21 It is not too difficult to devise a simple but practical bar code system , but there are a few important factors to bear in mind .
22 Um now of course when they 're talking about things like physiological responses , when they 're talking about things like having orgasms and the like , erm this is on the part of the victims , it 's not too difficult to detach these physiological responses from pleasure .
23 This is a sad state of affairs , particularly to be deplored when it is not too difficult to see that a church organisation might well find itself put into the category of a nationalised business .
24 It is not too difficult to see why vampires have a more relevant place in today 's world .
25 If we take an example , using our products EQUIS and Delinquency Alert System ( DAS ) , is not too difficult to see how it is possible for a credit marketer to plan effectively .
26 In writing , given the existence of punctuation and capitalisation , it is usually not too difficult to see where a sentence comes to an end .
27 In psychology , English , history , even biology , it is not too difficult to demonstrate a bias towards male experience .
28 A close friend of Elaine Blond , who was later to found the Blond McIndoe Centre for Medical Research , it was not too difficult to persuade McIndoe to help where the removal of a disfigurement , usually facial , could boost a patient 's confidence .
29 In fact the props of the speech are important and not too difficult to use to help your presentation .
30 It is really not too difficult to wave the reader at a reasonably constant speed while it is over the bar code .
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