Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She would not lower herself to the level he clearly thought suited her .
2 ‘ Yeah — Mum , I told you , did n't I — ’ Cal suddenly got excited — ‘ it 's because Bina 's not allowing herself to be what she ought to be !
3 She examined the cat slowly and carefully , not allowing herself to be distracted by the thought of Mr Miller waiting irritably for the vaccination cards or her future appointment with Dawn .
4 She would not explain herself to Luke Scott , because to do so would mean he mattered to her , and to let him matter in even the smallest way was to make herself vulnerable — to let him in at some level , and she had an intuitive sense of the havoc he could wreak once admitted to the number of those people who mattered in her life in their various ways .
5 One lesson Athens had learnt , not to overreach herself with warfare in two theatres .
6 Greta Burkill did not confine herself to looking after his education , but fought for him to spend a summer with his parents in Venezuela — a country not keen to grant visitors ' visas to Jews at that time .
7 Unhappy with the Steads , where she was beaten with a leather strap for wetting the bed , Ruth found a happier relationship with another family , but she could not rid herself of the insecurity .
8 She had her own shame , and could not rid herself of the guilt that came from loving a man who was not hers to love .
9 The name had been dropped into Karen 's consciousness only days before , at Jessica 's home near Belfast , and she could not rid herself of curiosity .
10 Such was the Doctor 's rage , so accustomed was Louise to obedience , that she could not prevent herself from hurrying to execute his orders .
11 She could not prevent herself from saying in a doubtful voice , ‘ You will be careful when you go to bed , wo n't you ? ’
12 She usually so high and bright , a breezy chatter of her day in class , but now ; her work , the tawse , the first time she had used it , her tearful minute victims , she did not feel herself at all .
13 Kate was a woman in every sense of the word , and she was a woman who would not give herself to a man lightly .
14 ‘ A woman of taste , like yourself , does not give herself to just anyone , is n't that right ? ’
15 ‘ Absolutely , ’ she said with feeling , dispelling a pang of guilt with the observation that she was certainly not presenting herself in a flattering light .
16 Something was wrong ; she should have listened to her instincts , not allowed herself to be lulled into a false security by the normal appearance of the flat .
17 She did not see herself as Miranda or Juliet or even Portia .
18 But she did not see herself like the archaeologist , because for her , there was a way out .
19 She could not defend herself against them .
20 Although she did not deny that he was handsome and in many ways attractive , she could not envisage herself in an intimate relationship with him .
21 And Amabel could not stop herself from thinking that this dreadful , dirty town must surely be to blame , that if Gemma had been less stubborn about remaining here , in this dark old manor , standing cheek-by-jowl with the brewery and the foundry and those hundreds and hundreds of unwashed , unlettered people who worked in them , then this tragedy would not have occurred .
22 She accepted it as a convenience , like an improved system of telephones ; she did not dedicate herself to it as the expression of a moral idea of comradeship and equality , the avowal of which could leave nothing the same .
23 ‘ The Queen 's thousands of miles away and she 's not stirring herself on account of Jamaica , of that you can be sure . ’
24 After this ( but only ‘ when she was in any company ’ ) she could not restrain herself from saying , ‘ It is full merry in Heaven ’ .
25 When Ariel saw how the incomers failed to meet indigo 's exacting standards of care , she could not restrain herself from offering her expertise ; she tended , restaked , pruned and watered the trampled shrubberies of Sycorax , teaching the English how to cultivate the precious dye .
26 Lydia did not castigate herself for so disliking a fellow-being , believing that it was sufficient merely to refrain from overt unkindness .
27 Seeing that my daughter Anna has not availed herself of my advice touching the objectionable practice of going about with her arms bare to the elbows , my will is that , should she continue after my death this violation of the modesty of her sex , all goods , chattels , moneys , land , and other that I have devised to her for the maintenance of her future life shall pass to the oldest of the sons of my sister Caroline .
28 Travis was impatient to get on , but Paige was in a Libran mood , depressed and bloody-minded enough not to allow herself to be chivvied before she was ready .
29 Why then did she not inform herself of the purport and effect of the transfer before signing it ?
30 She did not blame herself for going on the cruise , although she sensed that Adam , always an opportunist , had taken advantage of her absence .
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