Example sentences of "[vb -s] as [art] result " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can not believe it , I have already had so many job offers as a result of taking part in .
2 May be needed when the swelling subsides as the result of a chill and worse ensues , such as the breast , ovaries or testicles becoming affected .
3 When swelling subsides as the result of a chill and worse ensues , like Phytolacca , when it affects the breasts , ovaries or testes .
4 Any additional support or special tuition that a pupil needs as a result of defective sight must be given tactfully by the teacher or teacher 's aid , with an emphasis on what the pupil can do rather than on difficulties .
5 There develops as a result both a vaginitis and a vulvitis which make intercourse , if not impossible , extremely uncomfortable .
6 It has been suggested that gastric metaplasia develops as a result of high intragastric acidity or rapid gastric emptying , or both .
7 In most cases pseudo-karst develops as a result of processes analogous to those operating on true karst ; such is the case on some pure siliceous rocks subject to prolonged weathering where the slow dissolution of quartz creates karst-like forms .
8 Of course the problem is whether erm people enter those subjects because of their religious interests , or erm whether their religious interest develops as a result of studying those subjects , but I think certainly in this country there are a large number of people who are Christians and have a religious interest who are in the astronomical sciences .
9 He is fully aware that his income and , to some extent , his job security , are based on the lettings , The school 's popularity as a venue has as a result increased .
10 Hanson , Britain 's largest break-up specialist retains certain parts of the conglomerates which it has taken over , but has as a result itself became a conglomerate — as discussed in the previous subsection .
11 This complication has as a result of a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure in humans and not been previously described .
12 With wartime labour shortages and guaranteed farm prices prevailing , the union representatives on the boards found little difficulty in raising wages substantially and union membership increased by leaps and bounds as a result .
13 But first it is necessary to examine how the basic model developed in Sections 3 and 4 alters as a result of the changed distributional assumption .
14 The real message they need to get across this Christmas is that anyone who drinks , drives and kills as a result will be tried by a judge and jury and severely punished .
15 If an accident happens as a result of driving which deviates from the proper standard , then that may well be a case of negligence even if the driver had never thought of the risk in that particular case , because the driver is presumed to know the Highway Code .
16 Very little happens as a result .
17 Then in contemplating reneging the firm must weigh up the one-off gain , against the present value of the infinite future stream of profit it loses as a result of punishment , where r is the per-period interest rate .
18 It only occurs as a result of the incorporation of these societies into capitalist systems .
19 Much of this occurs as a result of the Greater Mussayib Irrigation Project .
20 As this has been discussed in section 5.3.1 , it will not be examined again in this section , which will concentrate on the local , though widespread , environmental change that occurs as a result of tropical deforestation and its often adverse economic consequences .
21 Apathy occurs as a result of our suppressing negative emotions and feelings , not being able or prepared to deal with them and so letting them accumulate in our unconscious mind .
22 The products evolved are then related to the ‘ change in maturity ’ which occurs as a result of heating .
23 Because change occurs as a result of the social conflict resulting from the exploitation of the majority by the minority , Marx and Engels can confidently assert in the Communist Manifesto that ‘ the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles ’ .
24 By contrast much social work intervention occurs as a result of what appears to be an emergency .
25 Lipid loss occurs as a result of using harsh skin care products and damage from the elements .
26 This process occurs as a result of five stages , sometimes known as the ABCDE approach , which is illustrated with an example of a man whose girlfriend fails to turn up on their first date .
27 ‘ Whenever a death occurs as a result of a breach of another 's duty of care to the deceased , the death is unnatural and the coroner is under a duty to investigate .
28 If a translation is directly imposed on the model , or occurs as a result of the rotation not taking place about the attachment point , the program completes the rotation and then re-positions the model back on to the point of association .
29 For present purposes it is sufficient to note that in right handers ideational apraxia occurs as a result of lesions located posteriorly in the left hemisphere .
30 In addition , a number of local factors can be responsible for sea level change ( Goudie , 1983 ) and these include glacioisostasy whereby the earth 's crust responds to the development or removal of large ice sheets , and hydroisostasy when a similar response occurs as a result of large bodies of sea water or lake water from continental shelves and lake basins ; orogenic and epeirogenic activity ; compaction of sediments ; and the increased gravitational attraction associated with large Pleistocene ice-sheets .
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