Example sentences of "[vb -s] close to the " in BNC.

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1 The marathon passes close to the City bomb zone .
2 The village took its name from the Roman road or straet known as the Gartree Road which passes close to the little limestone church of St Giles that now stands all alone on the skyline .
3 Most accidents happen when a cable break occurs close to the ground .
4 Nu is equal to 1 when the fluid is at rest and greater than 1 when it is convecting ( Section 22.1 ) , and it is apparent that the onset of motion occurs close to the predicted value of Ra .
5 The convection divides into a series of layers ; nearly all the variation of each quantity occurs close to the edges of the layers .
6 Bakker also argued that the brontosaur footprints found in the 1930s in the Cretaceous Texas limestone showed left and right footprints close to the trackway centreline , hinting that they walked upright .
7 It is revealing , for example , to compare Engels ' description of Manchester courts close to the Irk , ‘ from the depths of which bubbles of miasmatic gas constantly arise and give forth a stench unendurable ’ , with Mrs Gaskell 's account of a Manchester court in Mary Barton .
8 An eruption originates close to the wall , where there are regions , separated in the z-direction , of fluid moving faster than average downstream and fluid moving more slowly than average .
9 Pyjamas seems afraid of them : he stays close to the wall .
10 A sound archivist will want a recording which gets close to the sound of the original master-tape .
11 But if , like me , you really dig heavy rock , then you will thrill with me as Brian Burnett gets close to The Almighty .
12 It swims close to the bank and squats in the shallows where it makes ‘ vigorous paddling movements ’ with its feet to stir up small fish .
13 The river rises close to the source of that other famous Sutherland salmon stream , the Naver , but Brora flows eastwards , collecting in the waters of its main tributary , the Black Water , at Balnacoil , then hurrying through Loch Brora , down to the cold , grey North Sea .
14 ’ In Leapor 's poem the observing persona draws close to the nymphs and swains , even recording the effects of the cold on their fingers .
15 A figure in a bronze helmet , both times a good way off , and both times close to the standing walls .
16 These proved to be Stenurus globicephalae , and they were also present in much greater numbers in the pterygoid air sinuses close to the middle ear cavity ( see Figure ) .
17 The inquest at Shrewsbury was told that the enamelled pendant , which experts say is South German origin , was found by Irwin Haberla of Charlcombe Street , High Tranmere , Wirral , in a field at Haughmond Abbey owned by Mr Charles Teece , who farms close to the abbey ruins .
18 Those that are married already ( He leans close to the PLAYER-QUEEN and the POISONER , speaking with quiet edge ) all but one shall live .
19 Once , there had been a superabundance of leaves and spores close to the ground .
20 Colder fluid moves close to the wall to replace the fluid in an eruption .
21 The more time another male spends close to the Female , the more the courting male pecks at the cloaca .
22 Anyone who works close to the darker side of human nature can not help taking on board some of the pain .
23 But in relative terms there can be no doubt that British broadcasting comes close to the Public Service Ideal while the British press comes nowhere near it .
24 Pete finds this hilarious ; he has been dying to get his own back for various things for ages and this comes close to the perfect opportunity .
25 Consequently , in the transition epoch , the case of the imaginary form inevitably comes close to the typical case .
26 So , under the aegis of Hegelianism , Biedermann comes close to the view earlier stated by Fichte : it is not the historical as such , but the metaphysical , that makes us blessed — not the historical person of Jesus as God and man , but the metaphysical idea of God-manhood , which is simply exemplified , illustrated , and communicated by Jesus .
27 No other country can boast the same range of masterworkshop , workshop , village and nomadic rugs , and none even comes close to the diversity of Persian design .
28 In this construction , gleaned from a close reading over a range of texts , Modleski comes close to the guidelines offered by Mills and Boon themselves :
29 Method ( 1 ) comes close to the view , argued above , that critical success factors could be a better basis for measuring investment performance .
30 Empson 's work thus comes close to the theories discussed in the last chapter , which approach the literary text through its linguistic form ; it differs from most of these , however , in being less systematic and theoretical , and in particular in being less influenced by developments in modern linguistics .
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