Example sentences of "[vb -s] be [art] history " in BNC.

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1 Since then , there has been a history of militancy and while McAlpine 's has brought dramatic improvements in wages and conditions , it has also imported English managers , resented in this staunchly Welsh-speaking region .
2 In particular , the image of Germany epitomised by her most famous export , the Mercedes , as a country which is well built , reliable , and which performs well , should not blind us to the fact that the history of the Federal Republic has been a history of scandals , which have reached to the very highest echelons of power .
3 If there has been a history of such problems , an industrial tribunal may accept that eventually you became entitled to say ‘ enough is enough ’ and leave .
4 If there has been a history of rheumatic fever in the past .
5 If you move outside City firms , it is far more difficult unless there has been a history of share schemes so that employees understand their value . ’
6 Staff senior to the area supervisor play an active part in shaping the standard to be set only rarely , in cases involving what a supervisor described as ‘ very contentious issues : possibly major discharges from the Authority 's own works or from industrial activity where there has been a history of wrangling and debate about standards from that particular section of the industry ’ .
7 The history of ‘ civilised ’ society , for Marx , has been the history of different forms of class exploitation and domination .
8 It was going to be used as a gardening shed for tomatoes but for me it has been the history and finding out about its past that has been the fun .
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