Example sentences of "[vb -s] along [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It goes along with the common complaint that there are areas and methods of serious investigation which are just not touched by scholastic doctrines .
2 He , who wishes to continue getting plenty , goes along with the plans for a better tomorrow .
3 Whether this chairman goes along with the president or not may turn on many factors , but bargaining is very likely to play a part .
4 because I just think it would , it 's so important to get that bit , that bit goes along with the all the application bit , if we tie those two up together
5 In fact , contrary to a persistent theme in neoclassical economics , competition between giant ‘ dominant firms ’ is often fiercer than the competition between small enterprises in unconcentrated markets : increasing scale often goes along with the development of a keener rationality of profit .
6 It usually goes along with the claim that the ‘ technical ’ division of labour , i.e. the actual distribution of tasks , is in some sense subordinate to the social division .
7 However , as I said , the industry broadly goes along with the CITB 's proposals and with this order , which embodies them .
8 Oh yes , I was gon na say , I think convincing is is another word that goes along with the general ambience of what influencing is about .
9 Well , immediately on the left there 's a door an and the hall goes along by the path that you , you come up to that door .
10 Behind this board ( called a pathfinder ) is the start boat which motors along at the same speed as the board .
11 Then MARK GOODIER clangs along with The Wedding Present , Number Six escapes to London — or does he ? — in THE PRISONER and America 's finest living poet and ‘ reformed ’ coke head storms Las Vegas in SMOKEY ROBINSON IN CONCERT .
12 She quavers along with the congregation and is all rapt attention when the vicar does his bit .
13 a passenger seat with a ‘ relax ’ setting in which the cushion reclines along with the backrest to provide optimum comfort
14 When an aircraft went on detachment , it was normal practice for those on board to stow their personal baggage in the bomb bays along with the aircraft spares and tool kits and this trip was no exception .
15 Lyricism , then , is the poetry which sings along with the triumph of the proletariat , and with the repressions which accompany its triumph .
16 The voice sings along with the song , then turns into a hum .
17 The young man or woman sings along with the song again again , putting their head back as they do so .
18 A thunderous , psychedelicious affair , ‘ The Storm ’ floats along on the ghostly groove , touching on early '80 's electro pop , a late-'80s dance feel and even the danker ends of the late-'60s trip , while the B-side offers a spruced-up version of The Rolling Stones ' ‘ She 's A Rainbow ’ .
19 A thunderous , psychedelicious affair , ‘ The Storm ’ floats along on the ghostly groove , touching on early '80 's electro pop , a late-'80s dance feel and even the danker ends of the late-'60s trip , while the B-side offers a spruced-up version of The Rolling Stones ' ‘ She 's A Rainbow ’ .
20 When wallpapering a room , pin a left-over length inside a wardrobe or cupboard door so that it ages along with the paper on the walls .
21 This section of land lies between the canal and the River Tame and leads along to the A5127 northeast-bound where there might be room for a vehicle to pull off the road into the gateway to load up beneath the M6 .
22 In what sounds like computer industry heresy , Gupta Corp , Menlo Park told Reuter that it is looking to higher prices for its more advanced software products to help it achieve sharply higher earnings in 1993 : ‘ Our prices are going up as the functionality and performance of our software increases along with the functionality and performance of personal computer networks , ’ chief executive Umang Gupta said ; the company will introduce two new versions of its SQLWindows 4.0 software later this month ; the standard version at $2,000 , a more advanced one at $3,500 ; he says its only prices going down were for communications routing software .
23 Ampullaria glides along on the muscular foot , by means of muscular waves passing along its under surface .
24 The Dutch are unique in including non-specific urethritis on their contact slips along with the venereal diseases .
25 So , in order to lure the winners of the PPA awards along to the chosen banqueting room , the association has to tip the wink to likely winners .
26 In Berkeley 's view , the mistaken doctrine of abstraction is also involved in the distinction between primary and secondary qualities , a distinction which he rejects along with the materialism it involves .
27 At Ellon , where the modern road forks right over the bridge on the A92 , and a pretty walk runs along by the river Ythan , the landlady of an inn where they breakfasted wished she had remembered to show to this great doctor ( of whom they had heard ) a child of hers with a chronic lump in his throat .
28 So anyway she comes along into the dark pet and she said oh heck she said you must have a power cut along here I ca n't see nothing
29 Instead of browsing on the ‘ Aufwuchs ’ on rocks , they feed mainly on organisms living in the substrate , but probably also eat anything tasty that comes along in the open .
30 But then even if they do that and even if they get the franchise , they 're not going to be able to say , we can now hold on to it for five , or seven , years , however long the franchise is going to be , because if another bidder comes along in the meantime and says , we rather like this ourselves , they 'll be thrown off .
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