Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] argued [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly it has been argued for a discrete stimulus trained as an occasion setter that subsequently presenting it alone will not produce a loss of occasion-setting power ( e.g. Rescorla 1986 ) ( but see also Ross 1983 ; Holland and Gory 1986 ) .
2 The unreliability of reported mergers has been argued for most strongly by Labov and his colleagues ( Labov , Yaeger and Steiner , 1972 ; Labov , 1975 etc. ) , and for inner-city Belfast it can be argued that meat is not really merged with mate , despite the fact that people believe that it is a merger .
3 ‘ It has been argued on the other side that ’ is permissible .
4 It has been argued on a small amount of evidence from Britain and a greater quantity from Gaul , that most civitates were divided into constituent pagi , or rural areas , and that small towns acted as pagus centres .
5 Although open tipped tubes and intraluminal strain gauges have been widely used for the measurement of contractile activity in the colon , it has been argued on theoretical grounds that they detect only lumen occluding contractions , and therefore underestimate the incidence of contractile activity .
6 A shortage of gold has been argued as a reason , emphasising the importance of the ability to procure the necessary raw materials .
7 But the hypothesis that antibody binding to domain 1 could lead to conformational changes that increase the accessibility of region 3 has been argued to be very unlikely and the structure now reinforces this view .
8 And finally , a lack of interest in and control over their children on the part of parents has been argued to be a vulnerability factor for these children in adult depression ( see chapter 4 ) .
9 It has been argued by a former Chief Advisory Officer of the Nature Conservancy Council that the implications for wildlife conservation may be considerable .
10 It has been argued by some that training plays no part in refining the skills of headship which can only be learned through experience ; presumably the proponents of this view would say that it also applies to officers .
11 It has been argued by some cat experts that any vet performing this convenience operation should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals , but this is unfair to them .
12 It has been argued by Johnston ( 1962 ) that in Sweden , however , it was not so much the benefits of having uniform wage levels which were the major attraction of association , rather , it was the negative purpose of employers being able to present a united front to prevent the unions from ‘ whipsawing ’ individual firms ( see Chapter 4 ) .
13 It has been argued by Clegg ( 1976 ) that in terms of the causal direction of the relationship it is the level of bargaining which determines the degree of centralisation , with the result that power is decentralised within organisations when bargaining takes place at a decentralised level , and vice versa .
14 It has been argued by some that children suffer when their parents ' marriage ends , and by others that a child removed from embittered parental conflict will be happier .
15 It has been argued by some that families are becoming more symmetrical , with domestic work being more balanced between men and women .
16 That these preferences do have significance for an analysis of the syntactic structure of sentences has been argued by Kuno & Kaburaki ( 1977 ) .
17 This , it has been argued by a group of German and British Marxists in the 1960s and 1970s , means that the form of the state must be shaped by the nature of class conflict and struggle in society .
18 It has been argued by Mancur Olson ( 1965 ) that there is often no incentive to go to the expense and trouble of joining a group , especially when the group is large , because it may make no difference to that particular individual .
19 As assemblies have in general diminished in influence and executives have asserted more control , it has been argued by some that assemblies must change their role and become much more concerned with overseeing the work of the ever-growing bureaucracy .
20 That a switch from tax to debt finance may affect the rate of capital formation has been argued by Modigliani ( 1961 ) in the context of a simple life-cycle model .
21 As has been argued by Meade ( 1958 ) , and others , the taxes necessary to finance the debt may have an excess burden .
22 It has been argued by Dr Snell that the fact that overseers were often of humble stock themselves was crucial for the social order of rural communities in that it " facilitated agreement and mutual respect between the ranks and orders of parish society " .
23 By contrast , it has been argued by Janzen that species-specific ‘ predation ’ of juveniles growing around their mother will lead to a progressive decline in density of successful saplings towards the mother .
24 The essential matter which has been argued before me is whether or not the order for payment out to Crossman Block should now be confirmed .
25 As has been argued throughout this work , the concept of culture is one which assumes the indivisibility of person and forms ( that is , with respect to material objects ) , and of being and having .
26 If we accept ( and the case has been argued in detail with respect to habituation ; Chapter 2 , pp. 50–3 ) that the presentation of S2 modify the representation of S1 that is formed , then generalization decrement will ensure that little latent inhibition will be evident after S1 — S2 pre-exposure .
27 THE case for generous aid to Russia was strong , and has been argued in this newspaper many times .
28 Also in the 1930s and 1940s , as has been argued in the last chapter , such scholars as Lazarsfeld , Thurstone , Likert , Stouffer and Guttman had begun to develop a quite different approach to attitudes than had previously been considered .
29 It 's been argued by it 's supporters that it ushered in an era of peace .
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