Example sentences of "[vb -s] [to-vb] the best " in BNC.

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1 The retailer needs to know the best time to advertise seasonal goods — eg camping equipment will be promoted in the spring , ready for the summer .
2 The retailer needs to know the best time to advertise … goods .
3 But the court has to do the best it can by way of what are really conventional figures in relation to injuries , the court assessing , of course , on the individual facts of the case , what is sometimes called the tariff , making adjustments for particular facts of the particular case .
4 In other words , Hardaker wants to adopt the best of those personnel systems employed by the secular world .
5 One has to make the best of a situation , after all .
6 obtain at least two quotes to ensure the best price is obtained for the client ;
7 He has told friends that he intends to recreate the best bits of Neddy .
8 ENTRIES from the North-East are being sought for the Royal Mail 's twin town award scheme , which aims to find the best link between a British community and a foreign counterpart .
9 The School aims to encourage the best work in both traditional and more avant-garde areas of study .
10 The Department of Employment has said that the market testing programme aims to provide the best value for money for the taxpayer .
11 He copes well in situations involving Lennie and invariably seems to pick the best of a bad lot of consequences .
12 It was described in a TReeS pamphlet as ‘ a project set up by Madre de Dios 's indigenous people which aims to combine the best of modern and traditional approaches to health-care , in order to maintain acceptable standards of health throughout the region 's native forest communities ’ .
13 This kind of no-strings-attached use of sex seems to combine the best of both worlds , leaving a woman free to pursue her career and a man unshackled by the commitments of a heavy mortgage and all the other responsibilities that go with a family .
14 Most of these have been used at one time or another but still the TL 072 op.amp seems to combine the best characteristics at a reasonable price .
15 This is easy to do but please do not try to hurry up the process up as ‘ slow and steady ’ seems to give the best results and takes less time than trying to hurry .
16 In the context of the current UK problem with upland free-grazing sheep , the effective application of any feed additive is extremely difficult to achieve , and the use of boli currently appears to offer the best prospects .
17 In the case of the managed funds they will be denominated in a leading currency , for example US dollar , sterling , or Deutschmark , although the manager will be free to select the mixture of currencies that , at any time , appears to offer the best prospects .
18 Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become integral to her economy and politics over forty years ' association , and partly because it appears to offer the best defence against Soviet aggression and encroachment — a long-standing fear — in Northeast Asia , and the best hope of Japan 's integrity overall in a world where she has been proved to be economically and militarily vulnerable .
19 He has formed a joint venture with an English firm , Period Homes Partnership of Crediton , Devon , which aims to marry the best of British exterior design with the more creative use of internal space achieved by American home designers .
20 Given the Drawing Center 's success in attracting first-rate exhibitions — and in attracting corporate money — Beck seems to have the best chance for success of the three .
21 I shall then draw on my own experience to explore which of these two approaches seems to offer the best way forward , and consider what the implications might be for any future evaluation .
22 Darwin is thus treated as a major figure in the history of science because he both popularized the general theory of evolution and discovered the mechanism that seems to offer the best prospect of explaining how the process works .
23 Frankly , I 'd respond more if a chap came up to me and said , ‘ Look here , we 've been doing this for rather a long time now and we find that this way seems to bring the best results . ’ ’
24 Unlike , say , Popper 's critical rationalism , which aims to produce the best knowledge at any one time , objective from a multitude of perspectives , applicable in many contexts , relationism claims a much more transitory understanding .
25 It aims to bring the best of Kenya 's young biological scientists and , at a different level , the children from surrounding communities , to a variety of purpose-designed training and educational programmes on site and to give them the experience of seeing wildlife being managed alongside the traditional keeping of domestic stock .
26 ‘ Of course , having excellent tools with which to work is no guarantee of an excellent end result , but I firmly believe it always helps to use the best materials you can afford .
27 This method hopes to get the best of both worlds : stocks are transferred at variable cost ( good for decision making ) , and profits can be made by each division ( good for motivation ) .
28 There 's not a lecture theatre or even a student bar in sight … but this is the way De Montfort University in Milton Keynes and Leicester hopes to trawl the best of undergraduates
29 The BM tries to find the best settings of all its switches , subject to any restrictions placed on any in V. What counts as ’ best ’ depends on the values of its weights .
30 Perhaps he hopes by this means to get the best of both worlds ; actually , of course , he gets the worst .
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