Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pers pn] difficult [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The user finds it difficult to narrow down his or her search .
2 FAXgrabber finds it difficult to ‘ read ’ material unless it is in high or fine resolution .
3 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
4 Money meks it difficult fe get down to de facts
5 ‘ The confiscation of proceeds from drugs crimes makes it difficult for traffickers to salt away their funds , do time and come out to the high life . ’
6 It is this folk model , epitomized by the graffito ‘ SS/RUC ’ , seen as much in working-class Protestant districts as in Catholic ones , which makes it difficult for ‘ ordinary crime ’ to compete for the attention of criminologists in Ireland ( as a recent publication on crime in Ireland complained ; see Tomlinson et al .
7 The industry does n't like dealing with the artist direct because that makes it difficult for music business professionals to be as critical or as observant as they would like .
8 This makes it difficult for caterers to use the most suitable materials possible on walls and floor surfaces for maximum hygiene , ’ he said .
9 This makes it difficult for a murder to go unrecognised and discourages those planning murders .
10 The extreme detachment with which Onetti views his characters makes it difficult for the reader to become involved in their fate .
11 All this makes it difficult for the Tories to mount a convincing assault on Labour 's drastic plans for Politically Correct social engineering .
12 Local class conflict sometimes makes it difficult for communities to recognise the need for solidarity in dealing with external factors .
13 The second type is where the child has a disability which prevents or makes it difficult for him or her to make use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools — within the LEA 's area — for children of his/her age .
14 The traditional role of women in some cultures makes it difficult for them to approach or be approached by the school .
15 This limits the activities of the educational institutions in the region and makes it difficult for the administrative centres to do their job , which includes developing technical training projects and teacher training .
16 Moreover , the complex nature of many frauds makes it difficult for the police to prepare a sound case .
17 This magnet effect not only puts pressure on the south east but makes it difficult for other regions to attract the type of investment necessary for their own economic revival .
18 This makes it difficult for foreign firms to sell TVs in France .
19 Their presence makes it difficult for the roof void to be used in the same way as traditional roofs , and there is often a temptation to remove some of them to gain extra space .
20 The very freedom from mass accountability which allows it to do so also makes it difficult for leaders to know what society is thinking : without mechanisms for making needs known and understood , Polish and Soviet leaders simply can not know what the consequences of a rise in food prices or of other policy shifts will be .
21 As the Nehru Cup showed , making each team play the others once each makes it difficult for one side to win most of their matches .
22 The banning of one-party committees or sub-committees makes it difficult for political groups to develop policy with the benefit of officer advice .
23 Also the cohabitation ruling makes it difficult for a woman who is on supplementary benefit to have a relationship with a man without becoming financially dependent upon him , since her benefit will be stopped if they are deemed to be cohabiting .
24 ‘ There 's something in my past , ’ she confided , ‘ which makes it difficult for me to confront night lights … something I ca n't go into .
25 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
26 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
27 This makes it difficult for traders to recognize arbitrage possibilities involving a future on a geometric index when the future is underpriced , and may account for the replacement of the geometric VLCI future by its arithmetic equivalent .
28 ( b ) It sometimes makes it difficult for the historian to communicate his precise meaning .
29 The close relationship between police chiefs and elected mayors in American cities makes it difficult for the former not to curry favour with what is perceived as the ‘ majority view ’ within his ( sic ) jurisdiction … .
30 ‘ The temptation is to give them everything , ’ says Janka Stuttard , the Russian speaker who co-ordinated the visit , ‘ but their parents asked us not to do that because it makes it difficult for them to settle back home .
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