Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] least the " in BNC.

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1 Easily as such writing can , on occasion , include the narcissistic or the vacuously ludic , it has at least the capacity to be seriously — or wittily — challenging , an enabling enhancement of its readers ' vision and decisiveness .
2 Such a suggestion has at least the face validity of being consistent with the research done by Labov and others on language variation ( see Hudson 1980 : Chapter 5 for a review ) .
3 This space , intended both to obtain the invention of new products , leading to enhanced consumption and profit , and to maintain ideological support , in response to apparent liberalism , allows at least the possibility that permitted pluralism can grow into radical dissent .
4 There is general acceptance that as regards consensual security English law recognises at least the following : the mortgage , the charge , the pledge and the lien .
5 Generally speaking , a full desk top publishing system requires at least the following .
6 Words and names , as we all know from everyday experience , possess magical power : naming and identifying experiences and things imposes some degree of control over them and gives at least the illusion of bringing them within our power .
7 If modernization means the differentiation of fields , postmodernization means at least the partial collapse of some fields into other fields .
8 The ‘ original ’ actually fits Taylor , Walton and Young 's argument rather better than the amended version they quote above which implies at least the possibility of poverty as a cause of ‘ rational ’ crime .
9 One must , I think , start from the general premise that the protection of the child 's welfare implies at least the protection of the child 's life .
10 To the inner city local authority it offers at least the promise of retaining some economic activities that would otherwise leave the area ; and to the inner city resident it offers the prospect , as well as often the reality , of countryside recreation and relaxation .
11 Both the diffusionist and the evolutionary methods contrast with the structural-functional , which is above all contextual , and seeks at least the primary significance of the present in the present rather than in the past .
12 The energy and enthusiasm black youth have for certain sports and the disproportionately high number wanting to take up sport as a career provides at least the initial indication that they see in successful black sportsmen models for themselves .
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