Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] apply to " in BNC.

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1 The law of diminishing returns has not applied to food production in the countries which have undergone the industrial revolution , although there have been periodic crises , such as the Irish famine of 1845–6 , to remind us that Malthus was not completely wrong .
2 ‘ In the past , TUPE has not applied to MoD contracts , but now , following various European legal decisions , it is highly likely that in future it will .
3 EEB members believe that subsidiarity ( the principle that action should be devolved to the lowest competent level of government ) has always applied to the EC 's environmental policies , which are among the most popular achievements of the Community .
4 Mr the headmaster has recently applied to Paul 's present local authority London Borough of Merton for a classroom assistant for Paul for thirty hours per week he does not know whether he will get that or a lesser number of hours or none at all , he was repeatedly , in my view quite rightly , extremely reluctant to express any view about what the outcome of his application maybe , but , rather force time is to which we have to guess , his guess was that ten hours might be afforded but he was at pains to emphasize that that was pure guess work .
5 These are individual pension plans arranged by an employer for the benefit of some or all executives above a certain grade , In some companies , executive pension plans only apply to directors ; in others , they may also include senior and middle management .
6 Though not wishing to detract from Campling 's writing , I wish to point out that many of the reactions , feelings , and transferences that she mentions also apply to those who were not sexually abused but ‘ only ’ emotionally abused .
7 This does not apply to matters of general interest , although some senior officers appear to have strange interpretations of their own .
8 This reflects the view of head teachers that what the police have to offer does not apply to their children rather than any unwillingness among the police to deal with middle-class children , or , even more preposterously , a belief that grammar school children present no problems in terms of juvenile crime .
9 But Engels , in later editions , added a footnote to this sentence stating that this remark does not apply to all human history but only to written history .
10 260 troubadours , tap-dancers and persons with flutes , sheet music and accompanying ghetto-blasters fall foul of this law every year-though no one has as yet been prosecuted for playing an irksome Walkman-zzzsssss zzzsssss-on a train , and , evidently , the ruling does not apply to the operators of the Underground themselves .
11 But the most striking thing about Bagehot 's essay on Peel , in the light of the last full week of this election campaign , is that it simply does not apply to Major at all .
12 The threat does not apply to Britain as there are no relations with Tripoli .
13 This may be so for the population of probationers generally but does not apply to the AEC sample .
14 The scheme does not apply to claims for an amount greater than £1,500 per person or £7,500 per Booking Form or to claims which are solely or mainly in respect of physical injury or illness .
15 Whilst many strip wood floors do require in-situ sealing and regular polishing thereafter , this does not apply to Junckers ' floors , such as the one shown in your step-by-step guide .
16 The Scheme does not apply to claims for an amount larger that £1,500 per person .
17 The CMR does not apply to postal carriage , funeral consignments and furniture removal .
18 The CMR does not apply to traffic between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland .
19 We have also suggested that they all conceive of God as both transcendent and immanent — transcendent in the sense that what fundamentally limits reality does not apply to Him , immanent in that this lack of limitation is what makes possible a universal presence .
20 Cover does not apply to items that are hired , borrowed and not the property of the Insured Person .
21 The argument about the pre-emptiveness of authoritative decrees does not apply to such cases .
22 The implications of all this are that new military technologies are making conventional defence increasingly cost-effective compared with offence ( although this argument does not apply to nuclear defence , such as the Strategic Defense Initiative ) .
23 This exclusion does not apply to a prosecution for a breach of section 1 .
24 One can claim compensation for the dismaying experience of a spoilt holiday : it is strange that the same principle does not apply to the breaking of obligations under employment contracts .
25 This does not apply to membership or employment in any public body , e.g. , an electricity authority .
26 From this viewpoint , the criminal is an individual who has been labelled so by society , and this labelling does not apply to all individuals who break laws .
27 The Ombudsman scheme does not apply to customers of banks in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man .
28 A further difficulty with s.92(1) ( d ) is that it does not apply to emissions from premises not used for a trade , business , manufacture or process .
29 London Transport does not have to switch frequencies before 1990 , But this massive victory for British diplomacy does have one minor drawback — the transitional period does not apply to the new users .
30 This rule does not apply to Eurotunnel since most of the documents refer to it .
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