Example sentences of "[adv prt] for the big " in BNC.

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1 This extends to his judicious choice of tempi which thankfully avoids the ‘ brakes on for the big melodies ’ approach , which in some versions comes close to collapsing the entire edifice under its own emotional weight .
2 ‘ Jackie , you do n't understand , I 'm going down for the big one . ’
3 His buddy did n't seem too concerned about that and reached down for the big gun .
4 ‘ Dejala , ’ they yelled as she rode in for the big swipe and missed it .
5 They were flying the Liberators in for the big daylight raids on the Ruhr and one of them flew straight into the field where Grandad was working , planting carrots for the war effort .
6 Later on the warbirds wing in for the big show .
7 And with Robert Jones — another triumphant Lion of '89 — the ace in the Welsh scheme , Australia are in for the biggest examination of their status since they acquired it at Twickenham last year .
8 You can watch the newsreader 's lips getting into gear , like Fatima Whitbread psyching herself up for the big throw .
9 Limbering up for the big event — Lord Mayor Treloar College assistant bursar Derek Graham ( left ) and teacher John Etherington .
10 Runners limber up for the big test
11 BELFAST is limbering up for the big international fitness challenge .
12 He pays up for the Big Turn but , ’ she shook her head and compressed her lips together , ‘ she 's never once swept that stair . ’
13 Limbering up for the big race , are
14 The pattern is very much first half er , erm , loss or small profit , second half all the profit and in fact you should watch out for the bigger , the bigger Addison Wesley gets , the more the loss in the second half will be because we 're investing for that sale
15 When Tiananmen finally broke their reserve , a million or more , a fifth of the population , turned out for the biggest of several demonstrations in sympathy with the Peking students .
16 At 5' 9 ’ and eight stone , Desiree took Tyson out for the big count and put him down where he belongs .
17 So , instead of splashing out for the big one , we 've got a number of gorgeous jewels to give away .
18 And Hoddle 's Heroes … a town turns out for the big salute .
19 In that case , we want to be around for the big money in the fourth , fifth and sixth records .
20 Once inside the shed , Amis entered the cage and cast around for the big wrench that he 'd taken to keeping in here .
21 He thought suddenly of how she must look , seen from inside the kitchen she was leaning out of ; an ugly sexual idea occurred to him , and he looked about for the big black BMW bike , but it was n't there .
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