Example sentences of "[adv prt] for the best " in BNC.

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1 Now the search is on for the best container display in Britain .
2 In Guatemala too , the 1980s marked a high point of repression in a political conflict which has been going on for the best part of thirty years .
3 They talked on for the best part of an hour , ending in agreement that there was no solution to this problem , short of the mass emigration of millions .
4 The search is on for the best pancake tosser in the North .
5 We can only pray and hope it 'll turn out for the best . ’
6 ‘ It 'll all turn out for the best , you mark my words .
7 Yet all turned out for the best : on 20 July 1836 , Daniel Jones returned Benjamin his indenture , only too pleased to inscribe on the back of it the fact that he had appreciated the boy 's seven years with him , and making him a generous gift of five pounds in the process .
8 ‘ Joan , it will all turn out for the best — I know it will , ’ Anne assured her , seating herself on the edge of the bed .
9 It would turn out for the best in the end ; it must .
10 ‘ Oh , it all worked out for the best . ’
11 Notwithstanding the merit and extent of his achievements , Gavin Hastings still retains the desire to reach out for the best of which he is capable with as yet undiminished zest : ‘ Unless you set yourself tasks and ambitions , unless you have new targets , there is n't much point in playing .
12 ‘ Well ’ — she straightened her broad shoulders ‘ perhaps everything 's turning out for the best then .
13 To have self-confidence is great and it helps when you apply for a new job , but to eat up your seed corn because you 're sure all will turn out for the best is foolhardy .
14 ‘ Do n't worry , Mary , ’ her mother said , as she said so often these days , her own face a portrait of Anxiety , ‘ everything will turn out for the best . ’
15 A feeling all will turn out for the best .
16 So it , it was it turned out for the best .
17 ‘ So things worked out for the best , I suppose , ’ Maggie said carefully .
18 ‘ Strangely , things work out for the best , ’ she whispered .
19 ‘ It has all worked out for the best , yes ?
20 Things will turn out for the best , ’ he added cryptically .
21 I 'm sure everything will work out for the best . ’
22 What a load of bull … the bidders fight it out for the best of British beef .
23 On the other hand there will be a greater onus to shop around for the best home for whatever spare cash you may have .
24 In 1984 we had ended the opticians ' monopoly and taken off the ridiculous restrictions on advertising which prevented the public from shopping around for the best value .
25 Have the flexibility of being able to shop around for the best possible deals and get the best professional advice ;
26 Shop around for the best possible deals and the best service .
27 ‘ First , because other insurers have intermediaries who are forced by competition to look around for the best price .
28 Now that circumstances have conspired to make an immediate share issue an unattractive option , Dell Computer Corp is looking around for the best alternative to raise cash to finance its soaraway growth .
29 But an IFA can shop around for the best deals .
30 The plaintiff can not shop around for the best offer , the two parties must deal with each other and strike an acceptable bargain through their own negotiating skill .
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