Example sentences of "[adv prt] the british [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Multico have taken on the British marketing rights for the Delta range of machinery .
2 Today Oxfordshire 's Steve Redgrave carries on the British rowing tradition .
3 They must be daft to take on the British Empire .
4 To push down the British price to that of the cheapest one quoted by any ‘ fly-by-night ’ would have a catastrophic effect on business worldwide .
5 China , which takes over the British colony in 1997 , refuses to bless the undertaking — and thus open the way for private financing of part of it — until it has wrung several concessions from the British .
6 China , which takes over the British colony in 1997 , has flatly rejected two plans .
7 Perhaps even more importantly , the British government as now completing its announced intention to withdrew its troops from " east of Suez " and , together with the Americans , had quietly been encouragingly the Shah to take over the British role as the " Policeman of the Gulf . "
8 MOVE over The British Bulldog , Hitman Hart , Ultimate Warrior and the rest of the grunt and groan hulks … the Gladiators are on the march .
9 ‘ Pain in the housing market should finally kill off the British obsession with housing which has so distorted resource allocation in the last 25 years .
10 Earlier this year it was announced that the block contained an oilfield with recoverable reserves of 250 million to 500 million barrels of oil , putting it in the so-called ‘ elephant field ’ category and the largest oil find off the British coast for five years .
11 ‘ I want you to regard me not as the last Viceroy winding up the British Raj ’ , he told Nehru , ‘ but as the first to lead the way to the new India . ’
12 Working in conjunction with the British Mountaineering Council and the Ramblers ' Association , COLA plans to set up the British Uplands Footpath Trust .
13 The decision of the Post Office to set up the British Broadcasting Company in 1922 as a co-operative of radio set manufacturers was an attempt to overcome a series of essentially technical and organizational problems : the need to satisfy set manufacturers by ensuring that all participated in the birth and development of broadcasting , the need to avoid chaos on the airwaves on the American scale , and the need to guarantee an efficient and satisfactory service to all listeners .
14 As none of the guests spoke Spanish ‘ I rang up the British Consul and asked for his help and he provided it .
15 Hence the simplest approach to the study of social policy is to describe the policies and institutions that together make up the British system of social services .
16 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
17 The National Consumer Council has called for industry and motorists to pay more towards the cost of cleaning up the British water supply .
18 Angol , whose sights are set on a tilt at the vacant WBO crown against Yuri Vaulin , recently gave up the British title but is still Commonwealth champion .
19 ‘ We are desperate to raise funds for research and are in the process of setting up the British Brain Tumour Association .
20 The Transport Act 1962 broke up the British Transport Commission established under the Transport Act 1947 .
21 The original nationalizing Act ( Transport Act 1947 ) had in fact set up the British Transport Commission , of which BR was only one part .
22 In Britain at about the same time another Gallup poll showed 30 per cent of the populace were in favour of giving up the British H-bomb .
23 Increasingly powerful transmitters , satellite relays , and cable systems have begun to open up the British electorate to a wider variety of broadcast news sources , while business mergers have effectively consolidated control of the press into a very few hands ( Newton , 1988a , p. 314 ; Negrine , 1989 , ch. 4 ) .
24 Many of these will be unleashed in Britain by Lynmart , a company headed by Mr Raggett , who worked closely with the Russians to set up the British Astronaut Project , JUNO .
25 Just as aware as Napoleon III that royal connections could be made to serve a diplomatic turn , Bismarck had used Princess Victoria , wife of the Crown Prince Frederick , as a means of sounding out the British government as to its possible reactions to Leopold 's candidature .
26 And in 1972 Lee 's remarkable shots from around the green snuffed out the British challenge of Tony Jacklin .
27 I often say that if we thought as much about the English language and teaching it and all that that means as the French do about their language and the Alliance Francaise , we would back the British Council to the hilt .
28 It was perhaps the argument that this imposition of middle-class morality was holding back the British cinema which led to the matter becoming an issue of public concern .
29 And many films attacked the sort of conservative attitudes which held back the British war effort .
30 Two years later , when MGM had the not-so-bright idea of remaking Goodbye Mr Chips as a musical , and UA tried to bring back the British war film with The Battle of Britain ( 1970 ) , the bill for each picture was something like $12 million .
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