Example sentences of "[adv prt] to [art] age " in BNC.

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1 What was more , there had been a growing number of mice in her house of late and she put it down to the age of the animal .
2 The kind of company pensions then being offered were fine for those who joined a company in their twenties and worked through to the age of sixty-five .
3 These reforms will only achieve their objective if accompanied by the implementation of the 1944 Education Act provision for compulsory part- or full-time education or training up to the age of 18 .
4 When Sir Adrian joined the company it was compulsory for all young people up to the age of eighteen to spend a day a week at the company 's continuation college .
5 Up to the age of 39 he was one of that sad , nervous and obscure clan of people who scraped a living as a barrister while waiting for a distant relative to die and leave him an independent income .
6 Section 41 regulates the extension of all these provisions to juveniles up to the age of 21 even when support was not previously received below the age of 18 .
7 Most countries within the EC , including Germany , Portugal , Belgium , Denmark and Italy , have introduced the concept of parental leave — a period of leave given to either parent to look after the child up to the age of two — in addition to maternity leave .
8 We will require LEAs to guarantee a suitable place , with proper support , for every child in education and training up to the age of 19 .
9 The majority of men who survive can expect to have the support of a wife up to the age of 85 , but any woman over 72 is more likely to be a widow left on her own .
10 Fortunately he had been taken in by his mother 's father up to the age of six , living in a cottage by Denbigh castle ; but after this grandfather died he spent nine years as a child in St Asaph workhouse .
11 How can anyone take this seriously , when the same people endorse the amputation of tails and toes in conscious pups up to the age of seven days ?
12 He had been based in England up to the age of twenty-two before going abroad to earn his living as a surfer .
13 All children , whatever their abilities or disabilities , have a statutory right to be educated ; and all parents have a corresponding duty to see that they are educated , at least up to the age of 16 .
14 In 198l there was a government White Paper entitled New Training Initiatives which set out the aims of these schemes : to develop skill-training , to provide further education or work-related training for everyone up to the age of 18 , and to offer adults the chance to update their skills .
15 In a country in which education up to the age of 16 has become universal and compulsory , and education up to the age of 19 an option for everyone , we have to recognize that this education must be designed to meet pupils ' needs .
16 In a country in which education up to the age of 16 has become universal and compulsory , and education up to the age of 19 an option for everyone , we have to recognize that this education must be designed to meet pupils ' needs .
17 Young guests up to the age of 14 can choose a special selection of dishes from the main menu .
18 The Sports Council was quick to pick up an interest in this group in the early 1980s when they included people up to the age of 59 in their target groups to encourage increased participation in sporting activities .
19 ‘ Traditionally the Careers Advisory Service have catered for young people up to the age of 19 , ’ explained senior advisor , Paul Barnes , ‘ but now we plan to extend our information and advisory service to adult clients . ’
20 The right time to measure lipids for the newly diagnosed diabetic is when good control has been achieved and thereafter probably yearly up to the age of sixty .
21 Lastly , were the ‘ Town Boys ’ , older boys and young men up to the age of 25 or so , who had previously demonstrated their ‘ worth ’ in the Rowdies ; who rested on their reputations but would still participate in acts of violence if called upon .
22 Up to the age of 40 to 50 , most of us can see at a distance and read close to without any difficulty .
23 Pigs , which are even more fecund than the goats , take the eggs and young of ground-nesting birds , the eggs of tortoises and turtles ( and young tortoises up to the age of five ) , and destroy vegetation by digging for roots and soil invertebrates .
24 Smoking habits of boys and girls are roughly the same up to the age of 12 , but as adolescence approaches , more girls than boys smoke regularly .
25 Up to the age of 13 , he was privately educated by his mother by means of signing and fingerspelling as she did not agree with the oralist method used by the Liverpool School for the Deaf .
26 The most basic was in the period up to the age of about two years , the sensori-motor stage , when the world is explored physically — all that waving of arms and legs , sucking , and ( later ) crawling .
27 Freud 's phases are first the oral , up to the age of about one-and-a-half years when all activity is concentrated on the mouth , on sucking , and on taking in to oneself .
28 All children were entitled to free elementary education up to the age of fourteen .
29 They can go to work when about one year old and have a working life up to the age of approximately ten years .
30 Suitable for babies up to the age of about nine months .
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