Example sentences of "[adv prt] in the early " in BNC.

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1 Starting with a bank loan of £4,000 , Roddick had no time to sit down in the early years and draw up a grandiose mission of what her organisation should set out to achieve .
2 More seriously , Edward 's scheme to create a monopoly in the export of wool broke down in the early months of 1338 .
3 This is not true of Cramlington , where the basic development programme laid down in the early 1960s has continued , with only two significant changes relating to the use of industrial land and the role of the shopping centre development .
4 It seems that , although some substantial and long-standing export industries declined , others expanded their export sales over the post-war period ( although the rise slowed down in the early 1980s ) .
5 Revisionist work has still to be drawn together into a full-scale synthesis , in part no doubt , because the quantity of new doctoral research in the field slowed down in the early 1980s .
6 An early regard for the quality of life was shown when the walls of the medieval town were pulled down in the early nineteenth century .
7 The government 's initial failure to hold spending down in the early 1980s was not for lack of trying .
8 No executions had been carried out since 1984 , and there were currently 287 people in prison waiting for parliament to confirm or commute their death sentences ( mostly handed down in the early 1980s ) .
9 It was merely a figure of speech ; you need have no fear that I 'll creep along in the early hours to take advantage of your defenceless body . ’
10 Piper knows Benn is prone to run out of gas if he ca n't get through in the early rounds .
11 The trains time her life , crashing through fitful dreams at night , slackening off in the early hours .
12 Massive bottle-necks built up in the early spring on the railway network , at Koslov , west of Saratov on the route to Moscow and particularly at Balashov , between Saratov and Tsaritsyn on the west side of the Volga .
13 Shortly afterwards came the Chronica Gentis Scottorum of John of Fordun , again stressing the achievements of the Scots , and the villainy of Edward I. This was followed up in the early fifteenth century by the verse chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun , prior of Lochleven .
14 For funding reasons , health service membership of the teams was slow to build up in the early 1980s and key actors in the local health services were never entirely happy with the developmental role assigned to the CMHTs .
15 Thus , the Alliance for Progress , which gave rise to many agrarian reform programmes , was set up in the early 1960s .
16 The ILEA 's Alternative Use of Resources ( AUR ) Scheme , set up in the early 1970s , gave schools limited control over staffing and other parts of their budget .
17 It means getting up in the early hours to be ready to board a coach at around 6.30am that will transport them to the South Coast , then bring them back again , arriving home at around midnight .
18 The United Unionist Action Council , which had been set up in the early summer of 1976 , had a slow and troubled start .
19 In Liverpool , where I grew up in the early 1960s , one could no more not have an interest in football than fly to the moon .
20 Most of these were set up in the early 1970s , often from existing sites rather than de novo .
21 I woke up in the early hours of the morning and it was still there — the first thing that come into my head .
22 I 'd been given a date for the baby to arrive but that came and went , but then I woke up in the early hours of the following Friday .
23 Part of the palace was a rather plain , square , white building put up in the early 1960 's for stat visitors .
24 You got up in the early morning and helped in the farm , milked the cows , fed my cows and calves and looked the pigs , and then you 'd hens and chickens and the pet lambs and things like that .
25 Set up in the early 1960s , it was a three-year full-time course with four broad areas of specialization ; fine art , graphic design , three-dimensional design , and textiles/fashion .
26 ‘ And once he woke up in the early morning , and saw a rat in the middle of the floor , looking at him .
27 Attacks on the Beira corridor pipeline to Zimbabwe were stepped up in the early weeks of 1990 .
28 Children , having built up in the early stages of their lives an ‘ ego ideal ’ with whom they have had apparently satisfactory relationships , are for the rest of their lives attempting to transfer this ideal on to other people or organisations .
29 It is a medical fact that the body is at its lowest ebb between three and six in the morning and the ability to react , the ability to think when one is being woken up in the early hours of the morning erm are a consideration that we take into account when we have to mount an operation inside a premises .
30 It , it 's really because as somebody gets older the risk gets very , very great , and it needs all the money that 's built up in the early years to sustain the risk , the charges for the risk later on , in the later years .
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