Example sentences of "[adv prt] for a walk " in BNC.

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1 Went down for a walk today did n't we ?
2 When the rain stops I set off for a walk in the cool , after-rain air .
3 She was refused entry at the dentist on formal hygiene regulation grounds , and luckily , oh so luckily , I 'd met an old friend in a shop opposite the dentist so he took Bella off for a walk .
4 In fact , she thought as she splashed cold water on to her hot face , she had n't seen him all morning — perhaps he 'd taken himself off for a walk .
5 Fabia took herself off for a walk , but so great were her worries that for once Mariánské Láznë failed to enchant her .
6 Though when , having ousted him , thoughts of him crept back in again , she grew impatient with herself , and took herself off for a walk around town .
7 Dressing up for a walk in the forest to find eggs
8 Instead , I suggested Jeanne and John tire Moby with a few chase and throw-fetch games in the garden before taking him out for a walk on an extendable lead .
9 I went out for a walk , then picked blackberries on Periton Hill , in that far clump at the edge of the downs .
10 Perhaps it is as you travel to work , or as you take the dog out for a walk , or as you walk on the Downs , or when you have that quiet morning cup of coffee .
11 He would go out for a walk , leaving me alone for an hour , then return full of high spirits , shouting from the doorway : .
12 We passed Swire Sugden out for a walk and when he saw us he held out his arms and mouthed a farewell .
13 They were out for a walk . ’
14 Modigliani often asked Lunia to accompany him when he took Utrillo out for a walk .
15 He slept deeply until around 9.30 , when he arose , breakfasted , and took his children out for a walk .
16 At other times he would find Marcus talking to Irina , and ready to go out for a walk .
17 Instead of going to the bar , he went out for a walk down the road .
18 How often do you get out for a walk in the countryside or even in the local park ?
19 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
20 His confinement was not over-rigorous , as ‘ the worthy jailer Smith ’ took him out for a walk while he was there ; and by 30th August he was back at home in Ambleside , having found Anne and the children as well as he could expect .
21 Five of them , consisting of a family and friends out for a walk along the towpath , described only a scene of ‘ noisy confusion ’ which they ascribed to high-spirited students horsing about .
22 They express a wide range of emotions and feelings to which we can readily relate : expectantly waiting for their master or mistress to return home , display of affectionate greetings , or excitement when it comes time to go out for a walk or prepare their food .
23 ‘ He 's out for a walk at present , Jack .
24 Their devotion was apparent when we took them both out for a walk .
25 Out for a walk ?
26 He was let out for a walk in the grounds of the medium-security Runwell hospital , near Wickford , Essex .
27 On the 4th , Sophie , who normally visited her sister every day to help out , decided not to go , but to go out for a walk instead .
28 Similarly , retired racing Greyhounds are often in need of homes , and although temperamentally these dogs are normally quite sound , it can be very difficult to persuade them not to chase cats and other smaller dogs when they are out for a walk .
29 Smaller , more discreet means of cleaning up are preferable when you are out for a walk .
30 You will then be in a position to feed your dog , and take it out for a walk until it has relieved itself , bearing in mind that it must be prevented from taking strenuous exercise at this stage .
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