Example sentences of "[adv prt] in [art] street " in BNC.

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1 You could n't just sit down in a street .
2 There was a moment during the shooting of Midnight Cowboy when Dustin gave so much energy to the character 's cough that he fell down in the street vomiting .
3 Then he said one of his friends had been attacked , shot down in the street .
4 She stopped on her journey , and sat down in the street under one of the sparse trees , to try to let the queasiness ebb away .
5 Prices came down in the street and as for having a purse snatched , well , such things did n't happen to army wives .
6 She 'd been hopelessly optimistic in supposing she could track Suzie down in the street .
7 Down in the street he could see some of his men .
8 Shop windows were smashed , three police officers were injured , and a fan died after being run down in the street .
9 I have n't spoken to erm , I mean I only thought this coming along in the street , whether there 's anybody sort of notable , I mean is it , is , is , is there any value in actually having a figurehead type chairman you know , sort of celebrity type
10 ‘ We received warnings that mentioned four specific streets and the second bomb went off in a street which was not named in those warnings , ’ he said .
11 Finally we got off in a street with enormous shops with beautiful window displays : I could have stood gazing at them for hours , but Mary pulled me away .
12 He knows exactly what she means — he was brought up in a street that might have been just round the corner .
13 Jem has been beaten up in the street by three men .
14 And its suggested ‘ activities ’ , like rearing silkworms , bore no resemblance to our gang meetings , where we planned raids on greenhouses , smoked cigarette ends picked up in the street or watched Brian Fish eat a live worm .
15 ‘ But I 've become a cult figure over the past 18 months , I have respect now ; people do n't walk up in the street and say ‘ Hi Chris ’ and clap me on the shoulder .
16 This one , he said , pointing to Bobby , he had had to pick up in the street .
17 It is certainly not unreasonable to refuse to give up a bank note which you pick up in the street to the first stranger who alleges it to be his , if you tell him that you must make further inquiries or that he must produce evidence which will authenticate his claim .
18 Kids come up in the street and say , ‘ Hey Mista Rick , how ya doin' ? ’
19 You are scarcely accounted a Christian in Chile until you have got up in the street and given testimony to Jesus .
20 He stood back in the street , the rain stinging his eyes , wetting him to the skin , getting in his mouth and eyes ; warm rain , huge hard drops , slicking and sticking the clothes to his body ; erotic , making his heart beat faster in a sudden , squally sexual fantasy ; she would invite him in … no , better yet , she would turn up in the street , having been out , also wet to the skin , she would look at him … they would go in …
21 He relished hearing the stories that Orton told of masturbatory sessions in public lavatories , of men he had picked up in the street , of having sex in shop doorways , of the sizes of his acquaintances ' organs and of his experiences with venereal disease .
22 As Gerry and his fellow villagers talked of the better days to come , a carload of American tourists pulled up in the street beside him and asked for directions to ‘ Dannygal ’ .
23 AN old friend came up in the street yesterday and said : ‘ My , you look well , have you been on holiday , you 've got a tan . ’
24 I mean the other morning I looked down and somebody had thrown up in the street
25 This is made clear from the start by the tale which Beatrice tells Catherine of a boy who betrayed his uncle — illegally hidden in his family 's house — and who was dragged by his feet down flights of stairs and spat on in the street by his father and brothers as a result .
26 Her dreams were so vivid while the poem shimmered on her desk — signed , sealed , undelivered — that she had to catch herself from grabbing Lucy 's hands , kissing her right out in the street , holding her close at the end of each day , saying , come home , darling ; grabbing her and flinging her to the floor , ripping her clothes off , sinking into her breasts , fucking her like a sheet of flame .
27 After the long conversation with my brown self out in the street and being confronted now by a blond self , the haze lifted and all the images became clear .
28 They put us back into a van and let us out in the street .
29 ‘ No , but you left it out in the street . ’
30 Donald had forgotten to reset his alarm clock for Daylight Savings Time , and was out in the street at 5.30am : prime drug-dealing time .
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