Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] i remember " in BNC.

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1 And we used to er do a food run down and they used to come up and erm And then we went along to a to a lodge meeting th the men invited us along and I remember one of the comments back in September from one of the men was , Oh well I 'm gon na be nagged back to work soon .
2 But the both until B T split from the Post Office , the Post Office put in if I remember rightly in negotiations those days er they were putting in something like fourteen per cent of the pay bill .
3 It takes about three days to get a call out and I remember DeFries did n't answer any of David 's calls because I think he knew what was going on .
4 When we were flying over Holland I did steel myself to look out and I remember seeing where miles of land had been submerged under sea water to keep the Germans out , and houses , trees and roads were still under water .
5 And I sha n't come back until I remember what the great Daybog said , " This news made the old man very sad , for he loved Yanek the best of his three grandsons .
6 Well I I 'd could n't really swear to anything of that description , but it was it was before the er er old age pensions came out because I remember my Grandmother lived with us and er I remember the first week that she drew her five shillings old age pension .
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