Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] date and " in BNC.

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1 In bringing it up to date and making it profitable , he had to tread warily , for although it was made up of land and property , it was essentially about people .
2 But the waitresses in Marshall and Snelgrove had new uniforms , dark purple instead of the old coffee-cream shade , and a different style of cap , more up to date and less obtrusive .
3 Of course it is very hard for the writers because they have to keep things up to date and follow the story-lines .
4 This does not , therefore , purport to be a standard list , and it is recognised that an up to date and authoritative list is greatly to be desired .
5 A new paperback edition brought up to date and published under the Trust 's own imprint , is published on 20 September ( £9.95 ) .
6 On housing ‘ it is not in general desirable to seek to control the disposal of private houses through planning restrictions ’ ; on industry and commerce ‘ policies and proposals … should promote and not hinder the regeneration of industry and reflect an up to date and realistic view of the scale , pattern and diversity of industry ’ ; on retail development ‘ policies and proposals should neither seek to regulate competition between retailers nor to stifle the evolution of new forms of retail provision ’ ; and on agriculture and forestry ‘ authorities should take account of the need to ensure that no more than an essential minimum of agricultural land is diverted to development ’ .
7 In turn , the teacher keeps herself up to date and maintains an active interest in motivating and guiding the learner .
8 From 1960 to the present the field staff in Scotland have continued to pursue their primary commitment of keeping the geological maps of the country up to date and publishing descriptive matter on the geology .
9 They have no relevance to the story , but do bring us up to date and give the all-important illusion of gravitas which accompanies everything Branagh does .
10 Any guidebook is only as good as the input of information into it , and this is an opportunity to make sure the guide is up to date and accurate .
11 Lining the walls of the display hall are a long series of photographs and displays which trace not just the history of Yakovlev but the whole history of Soviet aviation , both civil and military , from the very earliest days right up to date and covering significant events through the years .
12 We want rights of way to be legally defined , definitive maps brought up to date and any conflicts sorted out .
13 All these activities require a substantial bureaucracy to ensure that the licences and certificates are kept up to date and to enforce the regulations .
14 General practitioners have also found intensive courses in diabetes helpful in keeping them up to date and improving their clinical skills .
15 But the story of the Gesta did not end in 1109. just as later monks came back to the Flemish comital genealogies to keep them up to date and to add new material , so the Gesta attracted amplification .
16 Have BRAD and other directories up to date and close at hand .
17 In the present book , the subject is brought up to date and related to modern computer methods .
18 2 To show that these products are up to date and invaluable to the modern man or woman .
19 13 Keep picture library records and pictures up to date and make sure you know the whereabouts of every valuable transparency .
20 Once a company is appointed , make sure that they are kept up to date and are encouraged to remain alert to your requirements .
21 Because there is pressure on departments in humanistic subjects to appear up to date and efficient , it is much easier to persuade funding bodies to give money for computers and software than to buy manuscripts , rare books , or second and third copies of frequently used library texts .
22 This should be supported by the health service as part of the programme of development that any large organisation must adopt if it is to remain up to date and use its resources cost effectively .
23 No provision could be made for the selection of books to be kept up to date and they are not much used now , but there is an excellent service of books from the Argyll and Bute District library for the residents and patients in the hospital .
24 At that point your pension will be brought up to date and you would see an increase then and annually thereafter .
25 In a field which is continually changing , the trainers have to keep their own interpreting skills up to date and their knowledge of the services in which they are training students to work and continually improve their understanding of the cognitive and linguistic processes which underpin those skills .
26 Sections 352 , 354 and 355 clearly envisage , and indeed demand , alterations without which the register could not be kept up to date and fulfil its purpose , and although there is no express provision for alterations of members ' addresses that takes place all the time .
27 She hoped his maps were more up to date and accurate than the one she had bought at the newsstand .
28 Er mainly because in the past they did n't have the proper equipment to do the work that they were engaged on anyway , and although their own minds would clearly tell them that they would identify the work with certain equipment you know , that was up to date and you know , would make life easier for them and be able to produce more , I think some of them er er their minds were overshadowed by the fact that er there was a degree of mistrust between them and the management , that they would ever get the proper equipment to do the job .
29 Benefits of the new system are that orders are processed quicker , improving cashflow ; company stock figures are up to date and correct , instead of being hypothetical ; surplus stock is being used up ; a system has been created where there was no system , and the scheme has boosted customer satisfaction .
30 The hon. Gentleman should know that advertising money is being spent and electoral registration officers are working hard to ensure that their electoral registers are up to date and accurate .
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