Example sentences of "[was/were] the former [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main casualties of the reshuffle were the former Home Secretary Kenneth Baker , former Defence Secretary Tom King , and former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Brooke .
2 Its 120 passengers , among whom were the former Portuguese President António Eanes , and students , politicians and reporters from 21 countries , intended to lay a wreath at the site of the November massacre , the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili .
3 Among the critics were the former ministers Michael Jopling , Peter Bottomley , Michael Spicer and Tom King , as well as Winston Churchill .
4 Among those executed , several of whom had been detained before the " coup attempt " , were the former Air Force commander , Maj.-Gen.
5 Also accused were the former head of the state security police ( the Stasi ) , Erich Mielke , 84 , former Prime Minister Willi Stoph , 78 , former Defence Minister Heinz Kessler , 72 , his deputy Fritz Streletz , 66 , and the former regional party leader in Suhl , Hans Albrecht , 72 .
6 It was the former Home Secretary who first noticed the deck chair , its legs awash with the incoming tide , part-hidden by the Victorian metal-work of the pier .
7 The speeds were a touch slower at Eastnor Park near ledbury where the country 's top mountain bikers were riding for the Malvern Classic … winner of the big race was the former cyclo cross champion Steve Douce …
8 Doug Tannock , who was the former UK Champion metal detector has been promoted to Service Manager at London East .
9 Tizard , a former university lecturer who was elected mayor in 1983 , was the former wife of senior Labour Party politician and ( until January 1990 ) Defence Minister Bob Tizard .
10 Among those present at the ceremony was the former England captain 's mother Molly , now 89 .
11 This was the former Churchfields Road Power Station which had continued to supply the Selby Road — Crystal Palace section .
12 The world economic system is as blind , irrational and without subject as was the former system of national economy .
13 Among 20 others acquitted was the former Minister for Tourism , José Aspiras .
14 The building which housed most of the inquiry sessions was the former chapel of a twelfth-century priory , with a domed glass cupola , ornate floral decorations and tall niches which no doubt once held classical statues .
15 WAS the former Liverpool player Avi Cohen born in Cairo or Tel Aviv ?
16 Top of the bill , he says , was the former Mr Universe , Reg Park , now merely a muscular memory .
17 The main component of Gloucester 's landed influence in the north was the former Neville land centred on Middleham , Sheriff Hutton and Penrith .
18 The main component of Gloucester 's landed influence in the north was the former Neville land centred on Middleham , Sheriff Hutton and Penrith .
19 Er he er was the former Ground Executive Officer on the base from June nineteen forty three when the Hundredth Bomb Group started daylight operations against Nazi Germany until erm August nineteen forty five .
20 And if anything fell into the category of being impossible it was the former BR standard pacific Duke of Gloucester .
21 At King 's was the former teacher of little Ramsey at the choir school , now a member of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd , Eric Milner-White .
22 That common-sense approach to Brent came from the hon. Member for Brent , East ( Mr. Livingstone ) who , for those who may not remember , was the former leader of the Greater London council .
23 He was the former Republican leader in the House of Representatives , and had been chosen as Vice-President for his reputation for honesty rather than for any outstanding political qualities .
24 Alvaro Arzú was the former mayor of Guatemala City and co-founder with Alvaro Heredia ( the acting mayor ) of the right-wing National Advancement Party ( PAN ) , as whose candidate he came fourth in the first round of the election .
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