Example sentences of "[was/were] to draw up [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I were to draw up a spec list of preferred bass amp facilities , the resulting layout would probably look similar to the Hartke 's : uncluttered and functional .
2 If you were to draw up the specification for the ideal material for electronic engineering , I guess it would be something combining the properties of the perfect conductor , the perfect insulator and the ideal semiconductor .
3 He was one of the seven magnates whose confederation in April 1258 began the revolution ; he was one of the baronial twelve who were to draw up the plans of reform ; and he was one of the council of fifteen set up by the Provisions of Oxford to govern England in the king 's name .
4 If one was to draw up a balance sheet of terrorism and murder involving innocent people it is likely that Mossad , the Israeli government and the CIA would easily exceed Arafat 's record depending , of course , upon how you choose to define terrorism .
5 Once the decision had been taken , no time was wasted in defining the areas of the city to be dealt with and in actually measuring the ground , for Haussmann 's first task was to draw up a plan of Paris measured to an exact scale .
6 The first was to draw up a structure of government which could serve to protect the people from government , from the danger of a tyranny of the majority in the legislature ; but the second aim was to protect the people from themselves .
7 It was to draw up the Constitution of 1812 , the ‘ sacred codex ’ which defined Spanish liberalism as a political creed .
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